On Tuesday, September 17th, we held a welcome event for new and continuing Communication and Media students. In addition to sharing some advice for our majors—crowd-sourced from our students, faculty, and alumni—we were joined by a number of professors, who discussed their professional experience and shared a bit about their courses and the skills students develop through the curriculum. We also heard from Ivan DeLuce, the editor of The Kiosk, about what they’re looking for in student submissions. You can view a video of the event below!
Category: Video
In May, the Communication and Media program convened a roundtable discussion with recent alumni who shared their insights and experiences with current students, faculty, and staff. See what they had to say—about thriving during the B.A. and after graduation—in the video below!
As some of you know, Dr. Carla Marquez-Lewis (Psychology) and I have been coordinating a series of events designed to support first-generation college students at CUNY SPS. But not only first-gen students—we also think the topics we cover could be helpful for all students! Check out recordings of our previous events here: