TIPS: This page can be used to introduce yourself. Maybe you include a short bio, including interesting information about you and your background, your lived experiences, and any other information you want folks to know about you!

SAMPLE LONG BIO: Jesse Rice-Evans is a technologist and researcher based in NYC. In the summer, she likes to visit western Massachusetts for some tree time. In 2021, Jesse earned their M.Phil from the CUNY Graduate Center in digital humanities and rhetoric, where she is also a PhD candidate (exp. 2024).
Jesse has taught writing, queer studies, and disability studies courses since 2012, when they graduated magna cum laude from UNC Asheville with a B.A. in creative writing and Black studies. They started working in the writing center at UNCA in 2011 and were thrilled to discover that they could study rhetoric and writing! She has since taught at NYU Langone, Poets House, CCNY, Baruch, and others.
Jesse’s work has been published widely in academic and creative journals, including the Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics, Mad Scholars (forthcoming from Syracuse University Press, 2024), Sinister Wisdom, Nat. Brut, and many others.
TIPS: You may choose to include links to your work! Press releases, social media posts, publications, videos--make sure to show your full range of skills and talents!
SAMPLE SHORT BIO: Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) is a technologist based in NYC.
TIPS: You might want to include a photograph or video, which is easy to do using the YouTube Block or the Image Block. Check these out below:
An image: