Ph.D. Digital Humanities + Rhetoric, CUNY Graduate Center
Co-President, GC Comp-Rhet Community
Summa cum laude
CUNY Humanities Alliance Fellow, 2018-2022
M.A. Language and Literacy, CCNY
President, Institute for 21st Century Literacies
Founder, Language and Literacy Collective
Summa cum laude
B.A. Creative Writing + Africana Studies, UNC Asheville
Magna cum laude
Topp-Grillot Scholarship Recipient
Sigma Tau Delta
Co-Founder, Redaction Writing Group
Editor-in-Chief, metabolism magazine
Dean’s List
Departmental distinction, 2012
High Pass, literature comps, 2011
Selected as a notable graduate, 2012
TIP: You may choose to includes highlights from your academic career here! You could share that you received a scholarship, or announce your program progress, or even share some academic work you’re especially proud of.
My co-author Andréa Stella and I have published several articles in an ongoing series of theoretical work we’re developing focused on Mad Mentally Ill Neurodivergent and Disabled (MMIND) subjectivity, whiteness, and pedagogy.
Our piece, titled “Crazy Femme Pedagogy: Toward an Archive,” appears in Mad Scholars: Reclaiming and Reimagining the Neurodiverse Academy, forthcoming from Syracuse University Press in 2024.
Below is our 2019 article “#Triggered: The Invisible Labor of Traumatized Doctoral Students” published in The Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics.