Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Resources on improving your writing

Paragraphing (Excelsior OWL); Using Evidence (Excelsior OWL); …

Mindful writing Q&A

Do you ever feel overwhelmed or anxious when presented with a writing task? Do you ever procrastinate or avoid a writing assignment? Do you ever doubt your abilities as a writer or give up before you’ve even started? […]

Thesis statements

What is a thesis ? A thesis must be a statement that people could reasonably have differing opinions on. If your thesis is something that is generally agreed upon or accepted as fact then there is no reason to try to persuade people. […]

How to construct paragraphs

Why do I need to split my paper into paragraphs? Paragraphs help readers visualize the order and structure of your argument. If your paper is one long paragraph, it can be hard to tell where one idea stops and another starts. […]

Transitions between paragraphs

How can I transition smoothly between paragraphs? Writers begin new paragraphs to introduce new ideas. Transitions indicate how those ideas are related. […]

Sentence transitions: sentences, phrases, and clauses

Transitional words and phrases signal how the ideas in your paragraph are logically connected. Effective transitions build cohesion by telling readers how ideas are relevant to the main topic. […]

Sentence clarity: run-on sentences, subject-verb agreement, and sentence fragments

If you’re a beginning college writer and you’re writing very long sentences, chances are you have a run-on sentence. A sentence is a group of words with one subject and one verb that expresses a complete thought. […]

How to paraphrase

When you use information from a source, you may do one of three things: Summarize the information and cite the source; Quote the source directly and cite the source; or Paraphrase the material thoroughly and cite the source. […]

How to use quotations effectively

When should I use direct quotations? When the wording in your source is unique or important. If you don’t think you could capture the main idea of the passage if you were to paraphrase or summarize it, it might be a good idea to quote the passage directly. […]

[UPDATE] Revision and editing and peer response

What is the difference between revision and editing? The difference between revision and editing is a matter of scope: when we edit, we are looking at the so-called “local” aspects of your paper such as…

Online Presentation FAQ

I am required to present in VoiceThread for a class assignment. How do I get started? […]