kellyofdit’s Profile

Active 9 months, 3 weeks ago
1 to 5 (of 5 total)

SPS Faculty Community Hub

Jesse Rice-Evans, Matt Lewis, Fallon Saratovsky

Welcome to the CUNY SPS Faculty Hub site, maintained by OFDIT The CUNY SPS Faculty Hub hosts resources on teaching and learning, the OFDIT newsletter, and information about other OFDIT team services, including […]

Open for All Workshop

kellyofdit, sarahofdit

An openly licensed workshop on using OER & Open Pedagogy to foster DEIA in online courses.

Brightspace Essentials


Brightspace Essentials for SPS Faculty and Staff is a resource to become familiar with basic instructor functions in the Brightspace LMS.

Brightspace Essentials TESTING

Brightspace Essentials TESTING


Brightspace Essentials for SPS Faculty and Staff is a resource to become familiar with basic instructor functions in the Brightspace LMS.




A test resource for the Workshops Team