Tasnia Rashid’s Profile

Active 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Tasnia Rashid
Display Name
Tasnia Rashid
Managing Editor of The Kiosk

Campus Resources

The Kiosk

The Kiosk

The Kiosk is the independent, student-run newspaper for the CUNY School of Professional Studies. Our mission is to bridge the distance-learning gap by creating a virtual lounge for all aspects of student life at CUNY SPS. At The Kiosk, students can learn about CUNY SPS clubs, events, creative projects of fellow students, and much more! The Kiosk was first founded in 2018 by student journalists Lisa Sheridan and Milan Fredricks, and is managed by the Office of Student Life at the CUNY School of Professional Studies. For students interested in contributing to The Kiosk, please email us at thekiosk@spsmail.cuny.edu.

Student Organizations

SPS Software Development Club

SPS Software Development Club

SPS Software Development Club is designed for students who are interested in software engineering, coding, and other contemporary technologies used to build websites and applications.

Tasnia's Friends

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