Campus Resources

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13 to 24 (of 26 total)

Open UDL Workshop


An openly licensed workshop on the overlap between Open Pedagogy and Universal Design for Learning.

Open for All Workshop

kellyofdit, sarahofdit

An openly licensed workshop on using OER & Open Pedagogy to foster DEIA in online courses.

BrSp test clone

BrSp test clone

Jesse Rice-Evans

Brightspace Essentials for SPS Faculty and Staff is a resource to become familiar with basic instructor functions in the Brightspace LMS.

Test BrEs Clone

Jesse Rice-Evans

Brightspace Essentials for SPS Faculty and Staff is a resource to become familiar with basic instructor functions in the Brightspace LMS.

jesse test clone 1

jesse test clone 1

Jesse Rice-Evans

jesse test clone 1

Clone Test Reclaim Support

Clone Test Reclaim Support

Test cloingin site because admins reported issues

Testing CLOSE Details in Bsp Essentials


Sarah & Jesse Testing

Brightspace Essentials


Brightspace Essentials for SPS Faculty and Staff is a resource to become familiar with basic instructor functions in the Brightspace LMS.

CUNY SPS Academic Affairs

Jesse Rice-Evans

The CUNY School of Professional Studies (CUNY SPS) Office of Academic Affairs oversees all of the School’s degree and certificate programs, as well as the undergraduate general education program and academic r […]

Office of Military and Veteran Student Services (OMVSS)

Jesse Rice-Evans, Christopher Leydon

This is the OpenLab site for OMVSS



A test by the Reclaim Support Team

Brightspace Essentials TESTING

Brightspace Essentials TESTING


Brightspace Essentials for SPS Faculty and Staff is a resource to become familiar with basic instructor functions in the Brightspace LMS.