What are campus resources, student organizations, and portfolios?

  • Campus Resources: Create, browse, or join a campus resource, used for a wide range of activities such as committees, grant-funded initiatives, departmental working groups, projects of various types, and more. Campus Resources can be created by faculty and staff.
  • Student Organizations: The OpenLab also supports student organizations, which can be officially chartered or unofficial groups based on a shared interest or project. Student Organizations can be created by students, faculty, or staff.
  • Portfolios: Anyone–students, faculty, and staff–can create a portfolio to showcase their work.

Each Campus Resource or Student Organization group offers a Discussion forum, Docs for collaborative editing, a File Library to upload or link to Files, and a Site where members can write posts (blog entries), provide feedback, and share files and other resources.

Campus resources, student organizations, and portfolios can be categorized on the OpenLab in a few different ways to help people narrow down their searches and find what they’re looking for.

Campus resource, student organizations, and portfolio can be categorized as ‘open’ and ‘cloneable’:

  • Open
    • This badge appears when the profile and site are visible to anyone, whether or not they are members of the OpenLab.
    • Available for campus resources, student organization, and portfolios.
  • Cloneable
    • This badge appears when other members can “clone,” meaning they can create an exact copy of a campus resource, or student organization.
    • Available for campus resources and student organizations (portfolios cannot be cloned).

Campus resources and student organizations can also have additional categories applied, such as ‘resource’, ‘faculty’, ‘student’, etc.

Home page of a campus resource with open and cloneable badges and the categories faculty, resource, staff.

Using categories in a search

When you search in campus resource, student organization, and portfolio directories, you can narrow your search using the category dropdown and checkboxes. For example, if you want to find all campus resources in a particular department that are open and cloneable, you would choose the appropriate school and department, and then check the boxes for Open and Cloneable.

Campus resources search showing the filters to narrow a search by the resource category, and the open, and cloneable badges.

This article is adapted from City Tech OpenLab Help, under a CC BY-NC-SA license.

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