Club Week Spotlight: The Creative Writing Club

Club Week Spotlight: The Creative Writing Club

Alexandra Perez Jimenez || March 26, 2024

The CUNY SPS Creative Writing Club’s mission is to come together once a month to use our creativity to enhance our writing skills, create an environment of safety, and showcase our talent, all while sharing our love for writing and creating new stories. 

I think that students should consider joining the club because it offers us an outlet to express ourselves in a place that is free from judgment. We get to come together and write stories that will transform our lives. This is a club that is open to all, whether you are an experienced writer or just starting. I encourage all those who are interested to attend one of our meetings and learn more about who we are. 

We had our first meeting during Club Week, where we introduced ourselves and what goals we have for the club. We realized that all of us joined the club because we love writing and want to improve our skills. I learned that some of us have a lot in common when it comes to the types of writing we do. During a typical meeting, we go over the writing that we have submitted on Blogger, which is based on the prompt that we decided on together in the last meeting.

During the first meeting, one student suggested we have a poetry event. I think this is a great idea because I love reading and writing different kinds of poetry. We also voted on having a collaboration with The Kiosk, which I am very excited about seeing, as I have always wanted to write for the newspaper but never seemed to find the right time to do so. 

I decided to join the club after receiving an email from Student Life Coordinator Parshotam Lal about the inaugural meeting. I have been meaning to start writing again, seeing as I used to write several poems and short stories when I was younger. I have not had the chance to do so due to school and work. Writing has always been something that I have loved doing, and I am kind of sad that it has taken a back seat in the past few years. When I received Parsh’s email, I knew it was the next step in the right direction. 

I joined the first meeting, not knowing what to expect. I ended up becoming the club’s treasurer and getting to meet like-minded people who also share my love for writing. I look forward to working with everyone in the club to purchase items that will help us create amazing stories together. I am also excited to read my fellow club members’ writing and for them to offer feedback regarding my work. 

We are planning on collaborating with the Black Student Union on April 20,  2024. It will be a joint event for National Poetry Month, where we will write poems and share them together as a group. Our next meeting is on April 11th, 2024. Those who are interested in getting involved with the club should sign up for the next meeting in April by clicking here

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