Adding a Zoom Portal to a Course


Zoom, CUNY’s web-conferencing tool, has been integrated into Brightspace.  The integration works with a CUNY-licensed Zoom account only.  To claim or verify your CUNY Zoom account, go to and click Sign In, to configure your account.  

Adding a Zoom Portal creates a landing page for Faculty and Students in the course. Faculty can schedule and start meetings from the Zoom Portal. Students can access meetings and view Zoom Cloud recordings from the Zoom Portal.

Getting Started: 

From within a content module in your Brightspace course select Existing Activities, followed by External Learning Tools.

From the Add Activity window, select Zoom – SPS.  

A new content topic has been added to the module. Click on the new item to enter the portal. 

Optional: You can update the name and description of the Zoom Portal to include additional information about the External Learning Tool for the students.

To start, click on the Zoom – SPS caret followed by Edit Properties in Place.

To edit the name, click on the text Zoom – SPS to begin renaming the External Learning Tool name. Hit Enter (or Return) on your keyboard to apply changes.

Click on the Zoom – SPS LTI 1.1 text to update the description.

Enter the desired text in the description and click Update when done.

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