How to Add Panopto Video to Brightspace using the Content Editor
The Brightspace content editor allows users to create and insert content within various areas of Brightspace. The content editor is available nearly everywhere you create content in Brightspace (ex: content topics, module descriptions, announcements, discussion threads, etc.). From within the Brightspace content editor, you can embed Panopto videos.

Getting Started:
To start, navigate to where you want to add the video. From the content editor select the Insert Stuff icon.

From the Insert Stuff menu, select Panopto Embed.

On the following screen, Panopto will display the folder associated with your course site. If your Panopto video is saved to another Panopto folder, navigate to the correct folder by selecting the drop-down menu to switch folders.

When you’ve located the video you’d like to add, click on the video and then click Insert.

You’ll see a screen with a preview window of the video; click Insert again. When ready, click Save and Close to finish adding the video.

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