Turnitin Integration (TII) Version 2 is a tool that helps maintain academic integrity by checking student assignment submissions for potential plagiarism and providing detailed feedback. This guide provides a step-by-step process for integrating TII V2 into your Brightspace assignments.
To enable Turnitin for an assignment:
1. Create or Edit an Assignment
Navigate to your course. On the navbar, select Activities –> Assignments.
Do one of the following:
- To create a new assignment, click “New Assignment” and enter the name, grade, due date, and instructions.
- To add Turnitin functionality to an existing assignment, click “Edit Assignment” and select the desired assignment.
2. Enable Turnitin Integration
On the assignment settings page, open Evaluation & Feedback
At the bottom of the Evaluation & Feedback area, select Manage Turnitin.
3. On Turnitin Integration Page:
- Click Enable Similarity Report for this folder.
- You can allow students to see the similarity scores for their submissions.
- You may also want Turnitin to automatically check all submissions.
- You can use Brightspace Assignment tools to grade student submissions and provide inline feedback on their papers. However, if you prefer to use the Turnitin Feedback Studio to grade, you can select Enable Online Grading for this folder, and Automatically sync grades as Draft.
Choose More Options to further customize settings.
Submission settings: By default, student submissions are added to the standard paper repository, but you may choose not to add the submissions for a particular assignment if, for example, you are using the assignment for initial drafts.
Similarity Report: By default, students can only submit once, but you can allow students to resubmit until the due date.
If you have customized the options and wish to save them for future assignments, check “Save these settings for future use.”
4. Save and Submit
After configuring the settings, click “Save.” Publish the assignment in Brightspace. Back in the Brightspace assignment settings window, make the assignment visible by toggling at the bottom of the window to make it available to students.
5. Viewing the similarity report and grading the submission
From Activities->Assignments, choose the assignment to evaluate. On the assignment screen,
- Choose Go to Evaluation to grade the submission.
- Click on the Similarity Report score to view. See the guide to navigating the report.
Support and Resources
- Access the Turnitin Help Center for detailed guides and FAQs.
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