How to Upload a Video to Panopto

If you use a platform other than Panopto to record your video, like ScreenPal or Zoom, follow these steps to upload your video to Panopto:

1. Create a Panopto Portal in your course site.
2. Record your video on your prefered platform, like ScreenPal or Zoom.
3. Save your recording to your local computer. Panopto accepts all common video file types (.MP4, .M4V, .3GP, .MOV, .WMV plus a lot more). Be sure to remember where you saved the video on your local computer. 
4. Name your video file with the title you wish to give your video, for example, name the file “Faculty Introduction – John Smith.mp4.”  The file name becomes the video title in Panopto. You can always change the title later.
5. In Brightspace, navigate to the “Panopto Portal” link created in Step 1. Note: on some browsers, opening the Panopto Portal can take a full minute.  Please be patient.
6. Click the blue “Create” button.
7. Select “Upload Media.”  See screenshot below:

screen shot of the Panopto Portal with the blue create button and Upload Media option highlighted.

8. Click on “Choose video or audio files.” 
9. On the following screen, navigate to the folder where you saved your video from step 3.
10. Select the video you’d like to upload and click “Open.” Panopto begins the process of uploading and processing your video.  
11. After upload, the video has been saved to Panopto, but it is not yet visible to students. Navigate to the area or topic in Brightspace where you wish to add the video. Follow these steps on How to Embed a Panopto Video in Brightspace.

For video support please email You can request one-on-one help or book a session in the OFDIT Media Studio to create video for your course.  For more details on using Panopto, see Panopto for SPS Faculty

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