New Governing Council Representative Alexandra Perez Jimenez Has Big Plans for the Student Body

New Governing Council Representative Alexandra Perez Jimenez Has Big Plans for the Student Body

Michele Schultz || November 22, 2023

On a video call with Alexandra Perez Jimenez, a newly elected CUNY SPS Student Governing Council representative and graduate student of psychology, she expressed gratitude towards the student body that believes in her mission to be a part of the movement trying to bring positive change and reform to CUNY.

“I will admit, I experienced imposter syndrome when I found out that I won, and I started thinking at first ‘Why me?’ but then after a few moments, I started realizing that I was elected for a reason,” she said.

Jimenez’s advocacy goal is to be a voice for all students, especially those attending classes asynchronously full-time. She aims to ensure those voices are heard during the student body meetings as one of the Governing Council and considered in important decisions.

Jimenez’s decision to pursue a degree in psychology was influenced by her high school psychology teacher. She talked about the classes she had taken and how she watched the TV show ‘Dexter’ with the teacher who pushed her interest.

“[‘Dexter’] opened my eyes to the versatility that exists in the field of psychology and the many avenues one can take,” said Jimenez. “I am very interested in learning about how different aspects of psychology shape who we are from the time we are infants until old age.”

Jimenez’s experience at the CUNY University Student Senate left her feeling nervous as she detailed meeting some of the delegates who had been in the USS before.”I have never been a part of something political,” said Jimenez. “I am excited to see what we will accomplish in the SPS Governing Council and CUNY USS.”

From walking through the doors of the CUNY Student Senate building, Jimenez explained how it felt right at that moment since she never became involved in student government during her time as an undergraduate at Hunter College: “I felt that it was the first step in making changes that would not only benefit CUNY SPS students but all CUNY students.”

During her experience attending CUNY SPS, Jimenez expressed more about being part of a community and appreciating The Office of Student Life for making her time here feel special. Once she started studying and working on campus in The Office of Scholarships, she decided to run for the Governing Council and USS with the support of Associate Director of Student Life Anthony Sweeney.

Jimenez remembers when Sweeney sat down with her when she was overwhelmed with school, work, and her personal life. “He helped me understand that I am capable of doing anything I put my mind to, and reminded me of my passion for advocating for students’ rights,” she said.

Jimenez expressed how fortunate she is to be able to attend Governing Council meetings and USS. She explained that joining the student government and student senate can be very fun but also requires commitment, determination, and discipline.

“USS and the Governing Council are a great way to meet new people, especially those who attend other CUNY schools,” said Jimenez. “I have met amazing people and have learned a lot about CUNY and its policies.”

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