If you’ve landed on this page, you’re most likely developing a course or revising a course for CUNY SPS. As part of this work it is an expectation that you will create video(s) to introduce the course and yourself as the instructor.
As a best practice, it is recommended to make two separate videos; a Course Introduction Video and a Faculty Introduction Video.
- Course Overview (some call this a course introduction): The goal of this video is to highlight what the course is about and excite students about the new learning. It is delivered in a way that no matter who is teaching the course the video can be placed in multiple sections. It should not include a tour of the course site in Brightspace.
- Faculty Introduction (some call this a Faculty Bio): The goal of this video is introduce the teacher for the course by providing academic/professional background, teaching philosophy, and any other points of interest that might connect with the students. This video is used by the faculty teaching the course so won’t be placed in sections where you are not teaching. You might consider creating the video in a way that it could be included in any course you’ll be teaching.