Embedding a YouTube Video via the Mashup Feature

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This guide will cover how to embed a YouTube video into your Blackboard course with Blackboard’s Mashup feature.

For more ways on how to add a YouTube video to a Blackboard course, view the Adding YouTube Videos into Blackboard page.

Step 1: Go to the content area in your Blackboard course where you would like to embed the video.

Step 2: Click on the Build Content button and select YouTube Video under the Mashups section.

Step 3: In the Search bar enter the YouTube link to the video and select Go.
Step 4: Click Select.

Step 5: (Optional) You can edit how the video displays on Blackboard with the Mash Up options.

  • Thumbnail: A small picture of the Mashup displays on the page with controls to launch it.
  • Text Link with Player: A link to the Mashup is displayed on the page. Students click the link to launch the Mashup.
  • Embed Video: The Mashup displays directly on the page when a student opens the item.
    Note: This method will disable fullscreen viewing for students.
  • Show YouTube URL: If enabled, this option allows you to share the link to the YouTube video with the students.
  • Show YouTube Information: If enabled, this option will display the creator of the video’s name and the date the video was originally created.

Step 6: Click Submit.

Do you have more questions? Visit our support site for tutorials and links to resources. Or send us an email at FacultySupport@sps.cuny.edu.