Enabling Pop-ups for Blackboard to View Panopto Videos (Google Chrome)

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Panopto is the CUNY SPS video platform integrated in Blackboard. This guide is to help access and view Panopto recordings by allowing pop-ups on their browser.

Enabling pops-ups for Blackboard will allow Blackboard and Panopto to communicate and allow users to view Panopto recordings, by logging users into the Panopto server with their CUNY credentials.

Step 1: Open the Google Chrome browser.


Step 2: In the top right menu select the three vertical dots, followed by Settings.
Step 3: Select Privacy and Security from the Settings menu. Followed by Site settings.

Step 4: In the Site Settings menu, scroll down to the Content section, and select Pop-ups and redirects.

Step 5: In the Allowed to send pop-ups and use redirects section, click Add.

Step 6: Enter the Blackboard URL https://bbhosted.cuny.edu/ followed by Add.

You have now successfully adjusted your pop-up settings to allow Blackboard pop-ups on Google Chrome.

Do you have any questions? For Panopto tutorials and resources visit our support site or send us an email at FacultySupport@sps.cuny.edu.