Open for All Workshop & Discussion Series
Using OER & Open Pedagogy to foster DEIA in online courses
Workshop: March 3-31, 2023
Open Spring at CUNY SPS 2023 will cover the intersection of Open Educational Resources (OER), Open Pedagogy and Inclusive Pedagogy through the implementation of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility (DEIA) educational practices. The Open for All Workshop, built around a series of five live online discussions with a supporting Blackboard course and resource site, is a process-based workshop focusing on how to evaluate a course for inclusivity along different dimensions (ex., representation, accessibility, and student voice and choice), and how Open Pedagogy and OER can be leveraged to increase inclusivity. As a final workshop project, participants will conduct a review of an SPS course that they have developed or taught and present a proposal for increasing inclusivity in the course using specific DEIA and open practices. All SPS faculty and course developers are invited to participate in the workshop, whatever their level of experience with DEIA pedagogies, OER, or Open Pedagogy. Workshop details and registration link below.
Discussion Series: March 10, 17, & 24
To nurture a broader, on-going discussion of inclusive pedagogies at SPS, three of the workshop meetings will be open to the SPS community. The Open for All Discussion Series will focus on the themes of representation, inclusion/accessibility, and student agency, through the lens of OER and Open Pedagogy approaches. More information and invitations to attend these discussions will be sent in March. If you are interested in participating more actively in these discussions (as a presenter, panelist, or activity leader), please email Sarah Kresh (sarah.kresh@cuny.edu).
Open for All Workshop
Learning Objectives
- Become aware of DEIA practices as they apply to online course design and teaching
- Explore the relationship of OER, Open Pedagogy, and DEIA practices
- Review a course through the lens of DEIA practices, specifically through the framework of a course review rubric
- Create a proposal for implementing OER or Open Pedagogy to increase the inclusivity of a course
Meetings are on Fridays, 12-1:30 pm, except the introduction, which will be 12-12:30:
- March 3: Introduction (30 minutes; workshop participants only)
- March 10: Representation
- March 17: Inclusion/Accessibility
- March 24: Student Voice & Choice
- March 31: Workshop Project Presentations (workshop participants only)
Upon successful completion of the workshop outcomes, eligible faculty participants will be paid for 7 Non-Teaching Adjunct hours at their contractual NTA rate.
- To be eligible, faculty must be able to take on an additional 7 NTA hours in Spring 2023, based on their workload and title. (See this explanation of workload limits.)
- All participants must obtain approval of their supervisor or Academic Director.
- Staff are welcome to participate but are not eligible for compensation.
Workshop registration extended through Friday, March 3.
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