When adding Panopto Video to Blackboard, you need to ensure your video has the correct permissions. If restricted, students and faculty colleagues will not be able to view the video. Instead, they will see a “Request Access” error.
Only the video owner (or Panopto admins) can adjust the permissions. Here are steps the video owner can follow to adjust the permissions:
Step 1: Locate the video that is displaying the “Request Access” message.
For the owner, it will look like a normal video (i.e., the owner does not see the “Request Access” error message).
Step 2: Select the watch in Panopto button.
This will launch the video in the Panopto portal for access to additional settings.
Step 3: Click on the “Share” icon above the video.
Step 4: Click on “Change” under the title “Who can access this video.”
Step 5: Select Your Organization (unlisted).
You’ve successfully changed the permissions. If your viewers are logged into Blackboard, they will have immediate access to this video. If you share the link to this video, they will need to login with CUNY First credentials to see the video.
If you have any questions, please visit our support site for more resources or send us an email at FacultySupport@sps.cuny.edu.