Faculty Development Day 2014

Raising the Bar: New Approaches and Tools for Teaching and Learning

March 28, 2014

Hold the date of March 28, 2014 and register below for our faculty development day workshop event organized around the theme of continuous innovation and improvement of instruction. Activities will include a morning plenary session, a lunchtime panel, a lab session to get better acquainted with some features of Blackboard Enhanced and another lab to explore various multimedia tools for your courses. You can attend as many sessions as you like at our new offices at 119 West 31st St. during the 9:00-3:30 pm schedule.

Our morning plenary session will set the stage for the day’s events as we consider the how and the why of new approaches and tools for teaching and learning. As part of our lunchtime panel, “What are students telling us about the course experience?” we will have a chance to hear some feedback on the course experience from students and those staff who engage with students in a variety of contexts, and to discuss faculty perspectives on these issues.  In the labs (each of the two is offered in morning and afternoon sessions), faculty will have an opportunity to explore some special features of Blackboard Enhanced and to become familiar with a number of multimedia and interactive tools that the Office of Faculty Development and Instructional Technology will be supporting.

This on-site event is open to and appropriate for all SPS faculty, whether teaching face-to-face, online or hybrid courses. Faculty are welcome to attend any or all sessions during the day, but we ask you to register and to indicate your preferred lab session and whether you are joining us for lunch, so that we are able to accommodate as many faculty as possible.

Where: 119 West 31st St, 4th floor (registration checkin, plenary session and lunch) and 3rd floor computer labs, t.b.a.


9:00-9:25 am Welcome and Introduction
9:30-10:45 am Plenary Session: “New Approaches for Student Engagement in Online Learning”

Discussion and hands-on activity

10:45-10:55 am Coffee Break
11 am-12:25 pm

Morning Labs

Blackboard Enhanced: Managing your course more effectively and efficiently


Multimedia and Interactive Tools

12:30-1:50 pm Lunch 12:30

Panel starts 12:45

2:00-3:30 pm

Afternoon Labs

Blackboard Enhanced: Managing your course more effectively and efficiently


Multimedia and Interactive Tools

Questions, please contact Susan Ko: susan.ko@mail.cuny.edu

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