Dear Faculty,
We hope your 2025 has gotten off to a smooth start! We’re excited to begin the new year with a very open invitation to connect with our Media Team for support making videos for your course, several OpenLab events to introduce you to SPS’s new platform, and an Open for All workshop where you can learn more inclusive pedagogy approaches!
In addition to all these grand openings, we’re sharing a call for proposals for the inaugural CUNY SPS Transformative Learning and Development Conference, feedback from our Brightspace Experience Survey, a request for volunteers to try out the Activity Feed widget in their Spring semester courses, and a Brightspace tip or two! We look forward to seeing you at a workshop, discussion or training session soon!
Get Support Making Instructional Videos
With the Spring term approaching many of you are making course overview, welcome message, and/or faculty introduction videos. The OFDIT Media Team is available to assist faculty with creating instructional videos. Look to us for:
- On-Campus Production Support – Reserve our studio space on campus, equipped with high-quality recording equipment. The OFDIT Media Team will film, edit, caption, and publish your video.
- Take-2 Tuesdays – The OFDIT Media Team prioritizes staffing and studio reservations for faculty on Tuesdays. If you’re on campus for another reason, why not record in the studio? Request a time slot for Take-2 Tuesdays: Studio Booking Form
- Remote Production Support – For faculty looking for remote support, the OFDIT Media Team can help! They will consult with remote faculty to make high quality recordings, offer advice on which recording software to use, and assist with creating visuals, editing, captioning, and publishing.
Get the Process Started! Email or set up a Zoom consultation. Or if you’re coming to campus on an upcoming Tuesday, request a studio reservation!
Brightspace Updates and Notes
Brightspace Feedback Survey
Thanks again to those who participated in the feedback survey last November. There are a few initial configuration changes that we are making in response to suggestions.
- The college home page navbar has been reorganized, and you will see a new CUNY Resources menu. The College Resources and Student Resources menus have some additional links.
In the course home pages, we will be moving the Instructor Profile widget higher. The Instructor Profile widget should display your contact info, so a higher placement will make it quicker for students to locate this important information. Because space on the widget is limited, “about me”-type content can be placed in Syllabus/Course Info instead.
- “Save draft” is coming to discussion forums! This commonly requested feature is currently being tested but will likely be implemented in time for Spring courses.
While these are a few changes that can be implemented quickly, we are still discussing and advocating for others. We are also creating support resources that address some of the questions and issues that have been brought forward. We’ll continue to report out in the next newsletter, so watch this space!
Brightspace Highlight: Updating Names of Gradebook items
An important tip to remember about Brightspace: When you rename a discussion Board topic, a quiz, or an assignment in the Content or Activities areas in a course, the name does not automatically update in the related/associated item in the Grades area.
We suggest following any update to the name of a graded item in a course with navigation to Grades>Manage Grades and:
- Clicking the down arrow to the right of the name of the Gradebook column item and clicking Edit from the dropdown:
- and then typing the new name into the Name field or fields, (using a shorter version in the “Short Name” area, if desired), and clicking the Save and Close button:
If you want to quickly copy in the name as it was updated in the associated item in the course content area, you can click and drag over the title as it appears in the Association field (highlighted in first line above) and copy/paste that text into the Name field and then click Save and Close.
NOTE: The inverse is true as well: if you make a change to the name of a grade item in the Grades area, Brightspace does not automatically update the name of the related item back in the Content or Activities areas of the course. Whenever you change the name of a graded item in Brightspace, be sure to update it in both the course area and in Grades.
Happy updating! Check out the Course Site Prep Checklist for CUNY SPS Faculty for more information about prepping course sites for Spring semester.
Volunteers Wanted! Try the Activity Feed Widget in Brightspace
Seeking to have more interaction with your students in Brightspace? We are looking for faculty volunteers to pilot the “Activity Feed” widget in their course site in the Spring semester!
Activity Feed provides a central hub on your course homepage where you can share timely updates, course materials, and important reminders. The tool allows you to post quick messages, attach files, and link to course activities, all while maintaining control over student participation levels. You can customize settings to allow student comments, enable full posting privileges, or maintain read-only access. As a complement to your regular Announcements, Activity Feed offers an alternative way to strengthen course communication and student engagement. We welcome interested faculty to join our testing group for the spring semester via this form.
Brightspace Office Hours
OFDIT’s open Brightspace office hours will pick up again this week! We look forward to seeing you in a drop-in session with your questions!
Events and Announcements for SPS Faculty
OpenLab Events
OpenLab is open! Learn more about available tools and features, including building your own site, using our awesome new single sign-on plugin, and joining the growing groups and conversations happening with other CUNY SPS community projects!
OpenLab 101 will provide a guided tour of the OpenLab site, including setting up your own user profile, how to join existing groups for timely updates, and more! For Drop-In Hours, please bring your own questions and ideas, and work on your OpenLab site with built-in support and feedback! Sign up at the links below to get a reminder email!
OpenLab 101 (followed by Drop-In Hours)
Tuesday Jan. 14, 12-12:30pm
Monday Jan. 27, 2025, 4-4:30pm
Drop-In Hours:
Tuesday Jan. 14, 12:30-1:30pm
Wednesday Jan. 22, 2025, 5:30-6:30pm
Friday Jan. 24, 2024, 12-1pm
Monday Jan. 27, 2025, 4:30-5:30pm
Want to see what’s happening on the OpenLab now? Join the faculty discussion in the Faculty Community Hub!
CUNY SPS Transformative Learning & Development Conference
SPS’ inaugural Transformative Learning and Development Conference (TLDC) will be held on Wednesday April 30, 2025, 12-3 pm. The goal of the TLDC is to foster a collaborative community and supportive space to share activities, ideas, and best practices for creating transformative teaching and learning experiences at CUNY SPS.
Submit a proposal by January 15! All SPS faculty and staff are invited to share their professional development activities and research projects completed in AY 2024/2025. Faculty-student research collaboration proposals are also welcome. See the flyer for more information and links.
Open for All Workshop
The SPS OER Initiative is pleased to once again offer the Open for All Workshop & Discussion Series (Feb 28 – Mar 28). This hybrid online (sync/async) workshop covers the intersection of Open Education and Inclusive Pedagogy. Participants review a course using the SPS course review rubric annotated with open and inclusive educational practices and create a proposal for incorporating inclusive pedagogical approaches. The wider SPS community is invited to our workshop discussions on Fridays to contribute their own insights into inclusive teaching and learning at SPS. See Open for All Workshop & Discussion Series for all the details, including workshop syllabus and registration information, and the community call for contributions to the workshop discussions.
We will have an info session on the DEIA annotations to the SPS Course Review Rubric that participants use in the workshop on Friday, Feb. 7, 12-1 pm (Registration). All are welcome!
Faculty Corner
Intelligent Agents in Brightspace
Submitted by Curtis Izen (BUS):
The Intelligent Agent is an excellent tool for automating specific tasks in Brightspace. It allows instructors to set up criteria to create a report or email students who completed or did not complete an action within the course. I find it useful early in the semester to email students who have yet to log in, access the course, or miss an assignment.
Examples of criteria that can be set up include:
- Login Activity: If the student has or has not logged into Brightspace
- Course Activity: If the student has or has not accessed the course
- Assignments: If a student has or has not submitted an assignment
- Discussions: If a student has or has not posted to a discussion topic
- Quizzes: If a student has achieved a specific score, if they have completed a quiz attempt, or if they haven’t completed a quiz attempt
- Content: If a student has completed, not completed, viewed, or did not view a content topic
- Grades: If a student received a specific score on a grade item or if they haven’t completed a graded item
Learn more about it from the Brightspace Community knowledge base: About Intelligent Agents
If you have a pedagogical tip from your new experiences in Brightspace (in 200 words or less!) that you think might help others, we would love to hear from you and add your submission to our next Faculty Newsletter! You can use our Faculty Corner Submission Form to submit.
As always, OFDIT is here to help! We are available for one-on-one support and are also happy to schedule a Zoom call to discuss any questions you may have. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at
All the Best,
Your OFDIT Team