Category: Uncategorized

OFDIT Newsletter February 2025

Dear Faculty,

We have come a long way from one year ago, when we were inviting everyone to introductory Brightspace demo sessions and using the community’s feedback to create our brand new CUNY SPS navbar! With your ongoing input, we’re continuing to refine our SPS learning spaces and expand our professional learning opportunities to support you as you use them. In this month’s newsletter, you’ll find information about registering for our Open for All workshop and discussion series, dropping into one of SPS’s UDL Collaborative meetings, joining OpenLab Support Hour sessions, and signing up for one or more of OFDIT’s Spring Trainings on a variety of technical and pedagogical topics. We also share information about the second annual CUNY Teaching & Learning Conference (you can attend either in-person or virtually!), and dates of other CUNY Innovative Teaching Academy Events scheduled in the coming weeks. Looking forward to a great spring semester with you!

Brightspace Updates and Notes

Save as draft is here! This oft-requested feature allows users to create a thread and then save it as a draft. Note that only threads, and not replies to threads, can be saved as drafts.

To get back to a saved Draft, users can choose Filter by: Drafts within the Discussion Topic:

Edit or complete the post, and then Publish. See our Teaching Guide on Using the Save Drafts Feature.

Brightspace Highlight: Personalizing your Homepage

In response to your Brightspace Feedback Survey responses, we want to share several ways to personalize your “view” of Brightspace, either within a course or on your Brightspace homepage! Check out our Personalizing Your Homepage in Brightspace teaching guide to see how you can filter what displays in the My Courses widget, pin or unpin courses as needed, and collapse and expand widgets to customize your user experience.

Brightspace Office Hours

OFDIT’s open Brightspace office hours continue this semester! We look forward to seeing you in a drop-in session with your questions!

Brightspace Day

Mark your calendars! Thursday, May 15th is Brightspace Day! Has it been a year already? Yes! And the OFDIT Team is busy preparing a day of activities to deepen our knowledge and sharpen our skills in our LMS. CUNY SPS faculty and staff will once again be invited to both in-person and virtual sessions on Brightspace Day. You can expect some hands-on workshops, interactive demonstrations, and a showcase of best practices and strategies. Save the date for this opportunity to explore, learn, and ask us anything Brightspace!

SPS Trainings and Events

Open for All Workshop – Registration Extended!

The CUNY SPS OER Initiative is pleased to once again offer the Open for All Workshop & Discussion Series (Feb 28 – Mar 28). This hybrid online (sync/async) workshop covers the intersection of Open Education and Inclusive Pedagogy. Participants review a course using the SPS course review rubric annotated with open and inclusive educational practices and create a proposal for incorporating inclusive pedagogical approaches. Register by Monday, February 24th.

The wider SPS community is also invited to our workshop discussions on Fridays to join the conversation and contribute their own insights into inclusive teaching and learning at SPS. See Open for All Workshop & Discussion Series for all the details, including the workshop syllabus and registration information, and a community call for contributions to the workshop discussions.

UDL Collaborative at CUNY SPS

Join the UDL Collaborative community of practice and explore best practices of Universal Design in Learning (UDL). Attend an upcoming meeting with your questions about accessibility and inclusion, where we’ll be brainstorming solutions together. All faculty and staff are welcome!

OpenLab Support Hours

OpenLab is open for business! Join the OpenLab team this semester to learn about available tools and features, including building your own site, using our awesome single sign-on plugin, and joining the growing groups and conversations happening with other CUNY SPS community projects! Please bring your OpenLab questions and ideas for one-on-one support and collaboration. We’re looking forward to helping you bring your ideas to life!

CUNY Opportunities for SPS Faculty

CUNY Innovative Teaching Academy workshops

AI Session 4: Exploring Generative AI Visual Literacy and Creativity in Pedagogical Environments
Friday, February 21, 11 am-12 pm 

Participants will learn about where the datasets used to train AI image generators come from, how those sources impact what kind of images they create, how to recognize the biases and limits of AI image and text generators, and how to help students choose when and how to use (or not to use) AI tools in research, writing, and visual media. Register Here.

CUNY Online Webinars

Spark Discussions, Ignite Learning: Mastering Virtual Discussions
Thursday, March 6 , 3 – 4 pm

A guide to cultivating dynamic virtual discussions that transform your online courses into vibrant learning communities. See the calendar for more offerings in the CUNY Faculty Webinar Series for Online Instruction.

Credit for Prior Learning Showcase

CPL Showcase: Multi-Campus CPL Evaluation
Friday, March 14, 10 am–11 am

In this session, faculty will share their experiences working on multi-campus evaluation committees to make recommendations about CPL for industry credentials and other learning experiences. Learn about the evaluation process for determining curricular alignment and the benefits of engaging with faculty colleagues to explore the potential of CPL within a common discipline. Register Here

Transformative Learning & Development Conference

Registration to attend the 2025 CUNY Teaching and Learning Conference to be held April 3rd (virtual) and April 4th (in person at the Graduate Center) is now open! Join the conversation about innovative pedagogical practices, with a keynote address by Christina Katopodis, author of The New College ClassroomRegister Here.

OFDIT Spring 2025 Trainings 

OFDIT’s spring trainings can help you learn more about how you can use Brightspace tools and features to support efficient, accessible course delivery and foster student engagement. We look forward to seeing you at some of our upcoming sessions! Refer to our trainings page on the SPS Faculty Community Hub site or use links below to register.

Using ePortfolio in your Course

In this session, you will explore the structure of ePortfolio and learn how to use the platform from the instructor view. You will learn how to navigate the Digication in Brightspace, review your students’ signature assignment submissions, and share the various support resources available for both students and instructors. There will also be time to answer any questions you might have about ePortfolios at CUNY SPS.

Anthology Ally: An Introduction

Learn how Anthology Ally can increase access and improve the overall learning experience in your course by providing choice and flexibility for how students consume content and access media. We will cover both alternative file formats, the accessibility gauge features that are now available to all in your courses, and the support Ally provides in addressing any areas where accessibility can be improved, often very quickly!

Brightspace: Navigating the Gradebook and Grading 

In this training we will discuss how to navigate the gradebook and the options for grading in Brightspace.

Brightspace: Feedback (30 mins)

There are many options in Brightspace for giving students feedback on their work. In this short brown-bag training, we’ll go over how to give feedback on discussions, assignments, quizzes, and group assignments and show you how students access your feedback so you can guide them through making the most of it.

Humanize Your Online Course with VoiceThread 

Creating engaging online courses is not easy. In many text discussion-board based courses, students feel isolated and disconnected from their instructors and classmates. VoiceThread bridges the gaps in social presence typically found in online courses. In this workshop, educators will learn how to establish a social presence and connect with their students using VoiceThread to improve course satisfaction and student learning. We will cover all of the basic VoiceThread features, demonstrate how everything works in D2L Brightspace, showcase a variety of examples from actual courses, and have an open Q&A throughout the training.

Brightspace: Managing Groups (30 mins)

In this training we will discuss how to set up groups, group discussions, and group assignments in Brightspace. 

Brightspace: Managing Dates and Visibility of Items (30 mins)

In this training we will discuss due dates, start and end dates, the calendar, and the date management tool and how the visibility toggle interacts with start and end dates.

Using Video in Brightspace (Panopto/Video Notes)

Creating video content for your course can be a little overwhelming with the number of options available.  Join this session to learn which tools work best for creating a reusable welcome message or lecture, a weekly update or one-time recordings, like giving feedback to students. In this session participants will be introduced to Panopto, the SPS video platform integrated into Brightspace, which streamlines video production.  Participants will learn how to access Panopto and its features through Brightspace, focusing on a workflow to create, organize, and publish video content.  The Brightspace platform itself has video tools too.  We’ll highlight when it’s beneficial to use one over the other.

The Pedagogy of Social Annotations

Social annotations can radically change the way your students engage with your course materials, each other, and you, combining the benefits of annotation, dialogue, accessibility, and digital accountability. In this one-hour workshop, we’ll look at social annotations across a range of disciplines, platforms, and assignment types, and discuss how this practice can build students’ skills, foster community, and promote intellectual growth.

Advanced Panopto for SPS Faculty

As many of us have learned, Panopto is a handy tool to create video in Brightspace. But many of us have yet to unlock the powerful features inside it.  In this session, participants will learn how to access the robust analytics showing us who watched a video and for how long.  They will see how faculty can leverage the power of a low-stakes quiz with the in-video quiz tool.  A video quiz can be automatically graded and mapped to your grade book. Finally, we’ll demonstrate how a regular assignment can be turned into a video assignment with students as the media creators.  It’s all part of the Panopto platform built into Brightspace.  

Brightspace: Notifications and the Pulse App (30 mins)

Brightspace Pulse is a mobile app that can help users stay connected with their courses in Brightspace through a quick view of announcements, grades, course calendars and content. Learn what Brightspace features are and are not available through the app, and how to enable and view Notifications to enhance the app’s functionality. 

Faculty Corner

Faculty corner image

Reordering Gradebook Items in Brightspace, Submitted by Curtis Izen (BUS):

After a few weeks into the term, I often find I’d like the columns of my Gradebook to be set up in a different order.  Turns out we can quickly move the columns around. Like most instructors, I use categories to organize assessments. To move items in the same category, follow the steps below:

  • Click the Manage Grades tab
  • Then click the “More Actions” button
  • Select Reorder

On the view that opens, use the drop down menu to select a number for the associated gradebook item. Select the numbers in the order you want the columns to appear in your Gradebook  Once you have the numbering in the desired order, click “Save” to complete the gradebook update. 

NOTE: Most CUNY SPS courses use categories to group assessment types or graded items. You’ll see the ability to reorder applies to items inside a category level, and you can also reorder the categories themselves.  

If you have a pedagogical tip from your new experiences in Brightspace (in 200 words or less!) that you think might help others, we would love to hear from you and add your submission to our next Faculty Newsletter! You can use our Faculty Corner Submission Form to submit.

As always, OFDIT is here to help! We are available for one-on-one support and are also happy to schedule a Zoom call to discuss any questions you may have. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

All the Best, 
Your OFDIT Team



OFDIT Newsletter January 2025

Dear Faculty,

We hope your 2025 has gotten off to a smooth start! We’re excited to begin the new year with a very open invitation to connect with our Media Team for support making videos for your course, several OpenLab events to introduce you to SPS’s new platform, and an Open for All workshop where you can learn more inclusive pedagogy approaches!

In addition to all these grand openings, we’re sharing a call for proposals for the inaugural CUNY SPS Transformative Learning and Development Conference, feedback from our Brightspace Experience Survey, a request for volunteers to try out the Activity Feed widget in their Spring semester courses, and a Brightspace tip or two! We look forward to seeing you at a workshop, discussion or training session soon!

Get Support Making Instructional Videos

With the Spring term approaching many of you are making course overview, welcome message, and/or faculty introduction videos. The OFDIT Media Team is available to assist faculty with creating instructional videos. Look to us for:  

  • On-Campus Production Support – Reserve our studio space on campus, equipped with high-quality recording equipment. The OFDIT Media Team will film, edit, caption, and publish your video. 
  • Take-2 Tuesdays – The OFDIT Media Team prioritizes staffing and studio reservations for faculty on Tuesdays.  If you’re on campus for another reason, why not record in the studio? Request a time slot for Take-2 Tuesdays: Studio Booking Form
  • Remote Production Support – For faculty looking for remote support, the OFDIT Media Team can help! They will consult with remote faculty to make high quality recordings, offer advice on which recording software to use, and assist with creating visuals, editing, captioning, and publishing. 

Get the Process Started!  Email or set up a Zoom consultation.  Or if you’re coming to campus on an upcoming Tuesday, request a studio reservation!

Brightspace Updates and Notes

Brightspace Feedback Survey 

Thanks again to those who participated in the feedback survey last November. There are a few initial configuration changes that we are making in response to suggestions. 

  • The college home page navbar has been reorganized, and you will see a new CUNY Resources menu. The College Resources and Student Resources menus have some additional links.

In the course home pages, we will be moving the Instructor Profile widget higher. The Instructor Profile widget should display your contact info, so a higher placement will make it quicker for students to locate this important information. Because space on the widget is limited, “about me”-type content can be placed in Syllabus/Course Info instead.

  • “Save draft” is coming to discussion forums! This commonly requested feature is currently being tested but will likely be implemented in time for Spring courses.

While these are a few changes that can be implemented quickly, we are still discussing and advocating for others. We are also creating support resources that address some of the questions and issues that have been brought forward. We’ll continue to report out in the next newsletter, so watch this space!

Brightspace Highlight: Updating Names of Gradebook items

An important tip to remember about Brightspace: When you rename a discussion Board topic, a quiz, or an assignment in the Content or Activities areas in a course, the name does not automatically update in the related/associated item in the Grades area. 

We suggest following any update to the name of a graded item in a course with navigation to Grades>Manage Grades and:

  • Clicking the down arrow to the right of the name of the Gradebook column item and clicking Edit from the dropdown:

  • and then typing the new name into the Name field or fields, (using a shorter version in the “Short Name” area, if desired), and clicking the Save and Close button:

If you want to quickly copy in the name as it was updated in the associated item in the course content area, you can click and drag over the title as it appears in the Association field (highlighted in first line above) and copy/paste that text into the Name field and then click Save and Close

NOTE: The inverse is true as well: if you make a change to the name of a grade item in the Grades area, Brightspace does not automatically update the name of the related item back in the Content or Activities areas of the course. Whenever you change the name of a graded item in Brightspace, be sure to update it in both the course area and in Grades.

Happy updating! Check out the Course Site Prep Checklist for CUNY SPS Faculty for more information about prepping course sites for Spring semester. 

Volunteers Wanted! Try the Activity Feed Widget in Brightspace

Seeking to have more interaction with your students in Brightspace? We are looking for faculty volunteers to pilot the “Activity Feed” widget in their course site in the Spring semester!

Activity Feed provides a central hub on your course homepage where you can share timely updates, course materials, and important reminders. The tool allows you to post quick messages, attach files, and link to course activities, all while maintaining control over student participation levels. You can customize settings to allow student comments, enable full posting privileges, or maintain read-only access. As a complement to your regular Announcements, Activity Feed offers an alternative way to strengthen course communication and student engagement. We welcome interested faculty to join our testing group for the spring semester via this form.

Brightspace Office Hours

OFDIT’s open Brightspace office hours will pick up again this week! We look forward to seeing you in a drop-in session with your questions!

Events and Announcements for SPS Faculty

OpenLab Events

OpenLab is open! Learn more about available tools and features, including building your own site, using our awesome new single sign-on plugin, and joining the growing groups and conversations happening with other CUNY SPS community projects!

OpenLab 101 will provide a guided tour of the OpenLab site, including setting up your own user profile, how to join existing groups for timely updates, and more! For Drop-In Hours, please bring your own questions and ideas, and work on your OpenLab site with built-in support and feedback! Sign up at the links below to get a reminder email!

OpenLab 101 (followed by Drop-In Hours) 

Tuesday Jan. 14, 12-12:30pm
Monday Jan. 27, 2025, 4-4:30pm

Drop-In Hours: 

Tuesday Jan. 14, 12:30-1:30pm
Wednesday Jan. 22, 2025, 5:30-6:30pm
Friday Jan. 24, 2024, 12-1pm
Monday Jan. 27, 2025, 4:30-5:30pm

Want to see what’s happening on the OpenLab now? Join the faculty discussion in the Faculty Community Hub!

CUNY SPS Transformative Learning & Development Conference 

SPS’ inaugural Transformative Learning and Development Conference (TLDC) will be held on Wednesday April 30, 2025, 12-3 pm. The goal of the TLDC is to foster a collaborative community and supportive space to share activities, ideas, and best practices for creating transformative teaching and learning experiences at CUNY SPS.  

Submit a proposal by January 15! All SPS faculty and staff are invited to share their professional development activities and research projects completed in AY 2024/2025. Faculty-student research collaboration proposals are also welcome. See the flyer for more information and links.

Open for All Workshop

The SPS OER Initiative is pleased to once again offer the Open for All Workshop & Discussion Series (Feb 28 – Mar 28). This hybrid online (sync/async) workshop covers the intersection of Open Education and Inclusive Pedagogy. Participants review a course using the SPS course review rubric annotated with open and inclusive educational practices and create a proposal for incorporating inclusive pedagogical approaches. The wider SPS community is invited to our workshop discussions on Fridays to contribute their own insights into inclusive teaching and learning at SPS. See Open for All Workshop & Discussion Series for all the details, including workshop syllabus and registration information, and the community call for contributions to the workshop discussions.

We will have an info session on the DEIA annotations to the SPS Course Review Rubric that participants use in the workshop on Friday, Feb. 7, 12-1 pm (Registration). All are welcome!

Faculty Corner

Faculty corner image

Intelligent Agents in Brightspace

Submitted by Curtis Izen (BUS): 

The Intelligent Agent is an excellent tool for automating specific tasks in Brightspace. It allows instructors to set up criteria to create a report or email students who completed or did not complete an action within the course. I find it useful early in the semester to email students who have yet to log in, access the course, or miss an assignment. 

Examples of criteria that can be set up include:

  • Login Activity: If the student has or has not logged into Brightspace
  • Course Activity: If the student has or has not accessed the course
  • Assignments: If a student has or has not submitted an assignment
  • Discussions: If a student has or has not posted to a discussion topic
  • Quizzes: If a student has achieved a specific score, if they have completed a quiz attempt, or if they haven’t completed a quiz attempt
  • Content: If a student has completed, not completed, viewed, or did not view a content topic
  • Grades: If a student received a specific score on a grade item or if they haven’t completed a graded item

Learn more about it from the Brightspace Community knowledge base: About Intelligent Agents 

If you have a pedagogical tip from your new experiences in Brightspace (in 200 words or less!) that you think might help others, we would love to hear from you and add your submission to our next Faculty Newsletter! You can use our Faculty Corner Submission Form to submit.

As always, OFDIT is here to help! We are available for one-on-one support and are also happy to schedule a Zoom call to discuss any questions you may have. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

All the Best, 
Your OFDIT Team

OFDIT Newsletter December 2024

Dear Faculty,

We hope your semester has been wrapping up smoothly! In this issue of the newsletter, we present to you links to many of our Brightspace teaching guides about grading, a note about OFDIT’s office hour schedule, information about upcoming OpenLab training and events, and an invitation to the SPS UDL Collaborative’s next meeting. We’ve been very grateful for the gift of all of your input, effort, and patience as CUNY moved from Blackboard to Brightspace, and for your commitment to supporting the best student experience possible at CUNY SPS!

Brightspace Updates and Notes

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Brightspace survey last month! Over 260 students, faculty, and staff provided feedback about their experience using the new LMS. In general the response has been positive; the average rating for the question “How would you rate your overall user experience in Brightspace?” was 3.98, with a median of 4, on a scale of 1 to 5. We are doing a deeper dive into the responses to other open-ended questions, and will be using the feedback to explore reconfigurations, advocate for changes with CUNY and D2L, and improve our support resources. More to come in the next newsletter! If you missed the survey but would still like to give feedback on the platform configuration and set up, please write to us at

Brightspace Highlight
End of Semester Grading: Zeroes and Exemptions

At the end of the term, it’s often the case that there are empty cells in your gradebook for missing assignments that you will want to put 0’s or exemptions in to ensure that the final grade is calculated correctly. The easiest way to enter 0’s in empty cells is to open your gradebook in “Spreadsheet View.” See How to Quickly Fill In Grades for Missing Student Work. To remove an item from the grade calculation total, you can add exemptions, either by assignment or by student. See How to Set up Gradebook Exemptions for steps.

Grading Guides

It’s that time of the semester! Would you like to drop the lowest grade from a grading category? Need to reset quiz/exam attempts? Ready to fill in grades for missing student work? Want to allow extra points for an item or create an extra credit item?  We have a teaching guide for you – browse our site for step-by-step help!

Brightspace Office Hours

OFDIT’s open Brightspace office hours will continue through December 20th and will pick up again in mid-January. We look forward to seeing you in a drop-in session with your questions!

Events and Announcements for SPS Faculty

Save The Date: OpenLab Events

OpenLab is open for business! Join us in January to learn about available tools and features, including building your own site, using our awesome new single sign-on plugin, and joining the growing groups and conversations happening with other CUNY SPS community projects!

OpenLab 101 will provide a guided tour of the OpenLab site, including setting up your own user profile, how to join existing groups for timely updates, and more! For Drop-In Hours, please bring your own questions and ideas, and work on your OpenLab site with built-in support and feedback! Sign up at the links below to get a reminder email!

OpenLab 101 (followed by Drop-In Hours) 

Tuesday Jan. 14, 12-12:30pm 
Monday Jan. 27, 2025, 4-4:30pm

Drop-In Hours: 

Tuesday Jan. 14, 12:30-1:30pm
Wednesday Jan. 22, 2025, 5:30-6:30pm

Friday Jan. 24, 2024, 12-1pm
Monday Jan. 27, 2025, 4:30-5:30pm

Want to see what’s happening on the OpenLab now? Join the faculty discussion in the Faculty Community Hub!

UDL Collaborative at CUNY SPS

Join the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Collaborative at our first meeting in the new year, scheduled for Monday, January 13 from 12.30-1.30pm ET. Please use this link to register. 

All CUNY SPS faculty and staff are welcome: whether you’re a regular attendee or have never joined us before, we’d love to have you participate. This January meeting will be an opportunity to reconnect, share ideas, and continue fostering our collective commitment to Universal Design for Learning.

Help us plan future meetings! We’ve created a short survey to gather your input on your interest in sharing an ongoing project or idea at a future UDL Collaborative meeting, as well as your availability for future meetings so we can schedule at times that work best for everyone.

We appreciate your input, thank you!

Faculty corner imageFaculty Corner

Granting Extra Time and Special Access for Quizzes and Assignments
Submitted by Curtis Izen (BUS):

Brightspace’s Special Access feature allows you to modify quiz and assignment settings for individual students without affecting the entire class. Whether a student needs extra time, a different due date, or multiple submission attempts, this can be achieved in Brightspace.

To grant special access, first locate the quiz or assignment in your course, then edit the activity. For quizzes, click the down arrow next to the quiz and select “Edit,” and for assignments, click the down arrow next to the assignment and select “Edit Assignment.” Click to expand the Availability Dates and Condition section and select Manage Special Access. Choose Allow Selected Users Special Access to this quiz/assignment. To add special access users, click Add Users to Special Access. You can adjust such settings as due dates, time limits, or number of attempts for specific students. Finally, save your changes.

If you have a pedagogical tip from your new experiences in Brightspace (in 200 words or less!) that you think might help others, we would love to hear from you and add your submission to our next Faculty Newsletter! You can use our Faculty Corner Submission Form to submit.

As always, OFDIT is here to help! We are available for one-on-one support and are also happy to schedule a Zoom call to discuss any questions you may have. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

All the Best, 
Your OFDIT Team

OFDIT Newsletter November 2024

Dear Faculty,

We are thankful that the first Fall semester in our new LMS, Brightspace, has gone so smoothly, evidencing your commitment to learning the system, listening to each other, and leading students through their new “classrooms.”  We invite you to reach out to our Media Team as you work to update your course videos for the coming year, and to join the new SPS Accessibility & Inclusion Community of Practice to learn more about UDL initiatives on campus. Please take a minute or two to send us your suggestions and reflections in our Brightspace Feedback Survey — we are eager to hear and be guided by your perspectives!

Fall trainings for faculty continue, with upcoming sessions covering using ePortfolio and Social Annotations in your courses, navigating the Gradebook and grading in Brightspace, and exploring a variety of ways to give feedback to students using Brightspace tools. Registration links for all sessions are below, along with a link to register for the upcoming CUNY IT conference. We leave you with a cornucopia of Brightspace tips from your fellow instructors, and our best wishes for a successful conclusion of the semester!

Get Support Making Instructional Videos

The OFDIT Media Team is available to assist faculty with creating instructional video! As we approach the Spring term, now is the perfect time for faculty to update their course videos, especially with the bulk of our transition to Brightspace behind us. With the new platform in place, refreshing the standard videos (ex. course overview, welcome message, and/or faculty introduction) is more pertinent than ever!

    • On-Campus Production Support – Reserve our studio space on campus, equipped with high-quality recording equipment. The OFDIT Media Team will film, edit, caption, and publish your video.
    • Take-2 Tuesdays – Getting to campus might be tricky, but we’ve noticed that Tuesdays often bring faculty face-to-face for meetings. The OFDIT Media Team will prioritize staffing and studio reservations for faculty on Tuesdays.  If you’re on campus anyway, why not record in the studio? Request a time slot for Take-2 Tuesdays: Studio Booking Form
    • Remote Production Support – For faculty looking for remote support, the OFDIT Media Team can help. They will consult with remote faculty to make high quality recordings, offer advice on which recording software to use, and will assist with creating visuals, editing, captioning, and publishing.

Get the Process Started! Email or set up a Zoom consultation. Or if you’re coming to campus on an upcoming Tuesday, request a studio reservation!

Brightspace Updates and Notes

Brightspace Feedback Survey

Have you noticed the announcement in Brightspace about a user feedback survey? OFDIT is gathering feedback from faculty, students and staff about their user experience in Brightspace. We plan to use the feedback to make some adjustments for Spring courses, and to improve our training and support resources. We have heard from a good number of students, but not so much from faculty! Please take the opportunity to share what is useful, describe where the points of friction are, and make suggestions for changes in layout, content, or configuration. Thank you!

Brightspace Highlight

From Lilly Matthew: The Pulse app is great for getting notifications about students’ posts in the Q & A forum, so you can answer them quickly from wherever you are. Students really appreciate that kind of responsiveness, which helps them keep their momentum when they’re working on assignments. When you receive a notification on your phone, you can open it and it will take you directly into the Pulse app where you can post a quick reply.

To set up instant notifications:

    1. In the notifications settings of your Brightspace account, in the Instant Notifications section, be sure you’ve ticked the boxes for Discussions. (See Managing Notifications in Brightspace – Teaching Guides)
    2. Install the Pulse App on your mobile device.
    3. Enable notifications from the Pulse App on your device.
    4. In your course, subscribe to the Q & A forum. 
    5. NB: Select ‘Send me an instant notification’.

Events and Announcements for SPS Faculty

Accessibility & Inclusion Community of Practice

After a successful inaugural meeting in October, join us for our second monthly meeting of the Accessibility & Inclusion Community of Practice for faculty and staff on Friday, November 22 at 12pm ET via Zoom. We’ll discuss principles of Universal Design in Learning (UDL), brainstorm implementation ideas, and share actionable tips for creating accessible documents. Register here.

The CoP is part of the broader UDL Collaborative by the CUNY Office of Student Inclusion. As part of this effort, the CUNY Innovative Teaching Academy is offering a year-long asynchronous training course on UDL guidelines, for which you can register here.

CITA Series on Generative AI

Friday, 11/8, 11:00 am-12:00 pm – CITA Book Club “Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning” by Jose Antonio Bowen and C. Edward Watson

Friday, 11/22, 11:00 am-12:00 pm  – Supporting Students’ Ethical Use of AI: Ideas and Practices in Humanities and STEM Fields

CUNY IT Conference 2024

Registration is now open for the 23rd Annual CUNY IT Conference, December 5-6 at John Jay College. This year’s theme is “Advancing CUNY: Intentional Connections and Smart Collaborations,” with speakers including Aleks Berditchevskaia, Principal Researcher at Nesta’s Center for Collective Intelligence Design.

SPS will be well represented with 4 presentations:

      • Building a Collaborative Strategy for Transfer Student Success Using Navigate360, on Thursday, December 5 at 1 pm, with Angela Francis, Leah Chajeczkis, Joseph Contreras, Cindy Lin, and Ashley Hoyt
      • Harnessing AI, Python and APIs for Smart Data Collection, on Friday, December 6 at 1 pm, with Joseph Foy and Calvester Legister
      • Tech Tools for Fostering Intentional and Engaging Collaborations in Education, on Friday, December 6 at 1 pm, with Lilly Mathew, Olga Kagan, and Mary Joy Garcia
      • The Four Cs: Keys to a Successful LMS Transition, on Friday, December 6 at 2:15 pm, with Ruru Rusmin, Matt Lewis, Lianna Scull, Kathryn Larkins, and Sarah Kresh

 CUNY SPS OpenLab Launches SSO

After many trials and tribulations, single sign-on is available on the CUNY SPS OpenLab! If you already have an OpenLab account, you’ll receive a communique to inform you that your account has been updated, signaling that you’re ready to log into the OpenLab with your CUNY Login credentials. (You use these to login to Brightspace, Outlook, and CUNY First, among others.)

If you’ve been waiting for a streamlined login experience, you can now sign up using your CUNY Login. This officially makes us the first OpenLab integrated with CUNY Login!

OFDIT Fall 2024 Trainings 

OFDIT’s fall trainings can help you teach, assess, and engage your students in high-impact, accessible, and efficient ways. We look forward to seeing you at some of our upcoming sessions! Refer to our trainings page on the SPS Faculty Community Hub site or click links below to register.

Brightspace: Navigating the Gradebook and Grading 

In this training we will discuss how to navigate the gradebook and the options for grading in Brightspace.

Brightspace: Feedback (30 minutes)

There are many options in Brightspace for giving students feedback on their work. In this short brown-bag training, we’ll go over how to give feedback on discussions, assignments, quizzes, and group assignments and show you how students access your feedback so you can guide them to making the most of it.

The Pedagogy of Social Annotations

Social annotations can radically change the way your students engage with your course materials, each other, and you, combining the benefits of annotation, dialogue, accessibility, and digital accountability. In this one-hour workshop, we’ll look at social annotations across a range of disciplines, platforms, and assignment types, and discuss how this practice can build students’ skills, foster community, and promote intellectual growth.

Advanced Panopto for SPS Faculty

As many of us have learned, Panopto is a handy tool to create video in Brightspace. But many of us have yet to unlock the powerful features inside it. In this session, participants will learn how to access the robust analytics showing us who watched a video and for how long. They will see how faculty can leverage the power of a low-stakes quiz with the in-video quiz tool. A video quiz can be automatically graded and mapped to your grade book. Finally, we’ll demonstrate how a regular assignment can be turned into a video assignment with students as the media creators. It’s all part of the Panopto platform built into Brightspace.

Humanize Your Online Course with VoiceThread

Creating engaging online courses is not easy. In many text discussion-board based courses, students feel isolated and disconnected from their instructors and classmates. VoiceThread bridges the gaps in social presence typically found in online courses. In this workshop, educators will learn how to establish a social presence and connect with their students using VoiceThread to improve course satisfaction and student learning. We will cover all of the basic VoiceThread features, demonstrate how everything works in D2L Brightspace, showcase a variety of examples from actual courses, and have an open Q&A throughout the training.

Faculty Corner

Faculty corner image

From Hannah Miller (LARTS):

When I reply to student posts in Discussion Boards, I use a “text expander” to always include the same emoji and my name in the subject line of my response, e.g., “🌿 Prof. Hannah to [Student’s name].” This rapidly “flags” my replies visually for students when they are scanning over topic responses, and allows me or students a quick way to pull up my replies by performing a search for that emoji in the Discussion Topic. I use the low-cost text expander “TypeIt4Me” on the Mac.

Submitted by Curtis Izen (BUS):

Recently, I needed to include a text grade item in my course that would allow me to include an “Incomplete” or “Complete” for a student submission not counted towards their final grade. The following steps allowed me to create text-grade items:

    1. On the Navbar, click Grades.
    2. On the Manage Grades page, from the New button, click Item.
    3. Click Text.
    4. In the General area, enter your grade item details.
    5. To attach a rubric to the item, in the Grading area, click Add Rubric.
    6. In the Display Options area, you can override display options for this item.
    7. Click Save and Close.

If you have a pedagogical tip from your new experiences in Brightspace (in 200 words or less!) that you think might help others, we would love to hear from you and add your submission to our next Faculty Newsletter! You can use our Faculty Corner Submission Form to submit.

As always, OFDIT is here to help! We are available for one-on-one support and are also happy to schedule a Zoom call to discuss any questions you may have. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

All the Best, 
Your OFDIT Team

OFDIT Newsletter October 2024

Dear Faculty,

We’re excited to share many opportunities for professional learning and growth as the semester gets underway! This newsletter issue highlights new features and support resources for some of our Brightspace tools, announces extended registration for our funded Open UDL workshop, and welcomes SPS’s new and returning Faculty Advisory Board members. You’ll also find links to register for many CUNY-wide trainings and discussions on generative AI, Credit for Prior Learning, and online instruction, as well as for the CUNY IT Conference on December 5-6th. Lastly, proposals are due for the CUNY 2025 Teaching and Learning Conference on November 15th – don’t miss your chance to share your considerable and hard-won expertise in online pedagogy, accessible content creation, and approaches to assessment and student engagement with other CUNY faculty!

Brightspace Updates and Notes

Brightspace Highlight: New Demo Student Tool

A CUNY-built tool now allows you to participate as a test student in your course!

As you may know, you can switch to View as Learner in a course in order to see how course content appears for a student, and to test submission of an assignment or quiz. However, in order to test grading and feedback, it was necessary for CUNY to build a custom tool. The new Demo Student tool allows instructors to create a temporary Demo Student in a course. Instructors can impersonate the Demo Student, submit course work, switch back to Instructor to grade, and then impersonate the Demo Student again to view grades and feedback from the student point of view. Please visit this guide for details on how to use the Demo Student tool.

VoiceThread Troubleshooting

With a full semester launch under our belt, we’re pleased with the integration of VoiceThread (VT) in our new Brightspace home. While most users have no issues to report, occasionally they do arise. For troubleshooting, check out the VoiceThread for SPS Students page on the Faculty Hub. We’ve collected solutions for the most common VT errors, usually related to browser settings. In rare cases, students affiliated with another CUNY campus that are now working in VT in an SPS course may run into an issue with access. So far only three students have reported this issue, which we have discovered can be quickly remedied; however, the vendor must be contacted to resolve. For situations like these, please reach out to for assistance.


Open UDL Workshop: Registration extended to Oct. 17th! UDL Workshop Registration Closes Oct. 14

OFDIT and the CUNY SPS OER Initiative are pleased to invite all faculty to participate in the Open UDL Workshop: Making Your Courses Accessible to All (October 21 to November 4, 2024).

This fifteen-day, asynchronous online workshop provides an in-depth introduction to Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and to the intersection of UDL and Open Educational Practices (OEP), which include OER and Open Pedagogy.

Eligible faculty participants will be compensated with 7 NTA hours upon successful completion of the workshop. Registration is extended to Thursday, October 17! For more details, please see our Advanced Workshops page on the SPS Faculty Community Site.

Join our new Accessibility & Inclusion Community of Practice

We’re excited to announce the launch of the Accessibility & Inclusion Community of Practice for faculty and staff at CUNY SPS, which is part of the broader Universal Design for Learning (UDL) initiative by the CUNY Office of Student Inclusion.

Join us for our inaugural meeting on October 30th at 12pm ET via Zoom, featuring quick, actionable tips for creating accessible documents and an open forum for your questions and ideas. Register here.

This meeting marks the beginning of a monthly series offered for faculty and staff to learn about accessibility and Universal Design in Learning (UDL) principles, share implementation ideas and challenges, and learn about best practices.

Welcome to the new
OFDIT Faculty Advisory Board members!

A warm welcome to new members of the OFDIT Faculty Advisory Board (FAB), and an appreciative welcome back to our returning advisors! The advisory board kicked off for the academic year last week and are looking forward to working on projects including hosting faculty discussions (both in-person and facilitated on OpenLab) on AI in the classroom, advising on best practice recommendations for instruction in Brightspace, and serving on the selection committee for the Teaching Excellence Award in the spring!

Members of the Board:
Mark Friedman (2024-26) – Disability Studies
Lilly Mathew (2023-25) – Nursing
Hannah Miller (2024-26) – General Education
Faime Moussavi (2023-25) – Business
José Roldan Rivera (2024-26) – HRL / ILAW / Sociology
Norlene Thomas (2024-26) – HIM / HSA
Chris Kchao (ex officio) – Office of Student Disability Services
Mahdu Mammen (ex officio) – Information Technology

ePortfolio: A Journey of Reflection

The ePortfolio Team invites you to our inaugural event of the 2024-2025 academic year. We’re welcoming the CUNY SPS community to learn from students who are building their portfolios this semester. Whether in their first semester, at the final term of a degree, or somewhere in between, this event will capture and showcase students’ work at distinct junctures and discuss the role of reflection along the way.

We need your help!
If your course is using ePortfolio this semester, please fill out this form and help us showcase your students’ portfolios!

Register for event here!

CUNY Opportunities for SPS Faculty

CUNY Innovative Teaching Academy workshops

Teaching Matters series on generative AI is back for the 24-25 academic year.

Participants will be introduced to ideas for how to use generative AI tools in their classroom to enhance student motivation and learning.

Friday, 10/25, 11:00am-12:00pmStudent Motivation and Engagement: AI and Non-AI Assignments to Enhance Learning

This fall, CITA, is also hosting a series of workshops on Credit for Prior Learning (CPL).

In this showcase, presenters from Lehman College and CUNY SPS, who were recognized with CAEL-WICHE Equity Awards, will share examples of innovative Credit for Prior Learning practices that are leveraging faculty expertise and improving student success.

Friday, 10/25, 2:00pm-3:00pmShowcase: Lessons from CAEL-WICHE Equity Award Winners

Dr. Wendy Kilgore, Senior Director of Research at AACRAO, will share key insights from Enhancing Accessibility and Inclusion: The 2024 Landscape of Credit for Prior Learning in US and Canadian Higher Education, a report of AACRAO’s recent survey of 399 colleges and universities about the relevance and impact of CPL as a mechanism for enhancing student success and accessibility and equity.

Friday, 11/15, 11:30am-12:30pmThe Importance of CPL in Today’s Higher Ed Landscape

CUNY Online Webinar Series –
Creating a Positive Student Experience in Your Online Course

Maximize Student Growth: Effective Feedback Strategies for Online Courses

Learn how to turn feedback into a catalyst for student success. This session will explore techniques to provide meaningful feedback that enhances student engagement and fosters academic growth in your online courses.

Tuesday, 10/22, 3:00pm – Registration Link

Engage and Inspire: Creating Impactful Short Videos for Online Courses

Say goodbye to monotonous presentations! Discover how to create short, dynamic videos that capture attention, boost engagement, and improve knowledge retention in your online courses.

Thursday, 11/21 at 3:00pmRegistration Link

Also available is the recording of the 9/26 webinar Engaging Your Students in Online Courses.

CITA Book Club

Interested in “emerging and powerful research on the seismic changes AI is already creating in schools and the workplace” and how that might affect your instructional design and practice? Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning by José Antonio Bowen and C. Edward Watson will be the focus of CITA’s next book club meeting! 

Friday, 11/8, 11:00 am-12:00 pm CITA Book Club

CUNY IT Conference 2024

Registration is now open for the 23rd Annual CUNY IT Conference, December 5-6 at John Jay College. This year’s theme is “Advancing CUNY: Intentional Connections and Smart Collaborations,” with speakers including Aleks Berditchevskaia, Principal Researcher at Nesta’s Center for Collective Intelligence Design.

CUNY 2025 Teaching and Learning Conference 

Share your pedagogy! Proposal submissions for the CUNY Innovative Teaching Academy (CITA) CUNY 2025 Teaching and Learning Conference (April 4 and 5, 2025) are due 11/15! 

Click this link to submit a proposal by Friday, 11/15

Faculty Corner

Faculty corner image
From Business faculty
Curtis Izen 

“Here’s a Brightspace tip I’ve found quite useful.  There may be times when you would like to contact students who have not submitted a particular assignment.  In just 3 clicks, Brightspace will pull together an email with only those students in need of a reminder.  You can type your message, add an attachment and hit send.  I’ve written a teaching guide showing you how here: Contacting Students with Missing Assignments.”

If you have a pedagogical tip from your new experiences in Brightspace (in 200 words or less!) that you think might help others, we would love to hear from you and add your submission to our next Faculty Newsletter! You can use our Faculty Corner Submission Form to submit.

OFDIT Fall 2024 Trainings 

OFDIT’s fall trainings can help you teach, assess, and engage your students in high-impact, accessible, and efficient ways. We look forward to seeing you at some of our upcoming sessions! Refer to our trainings page on the SPS Faculty Community Hub site or click links below to register.

Anthology Ally: An Introduction

Learn how Anthology Ally can increase access and improve the overall learning experience in your course by providing choice and flexibility for how students consume content and access media. We will cover both alternative file formats and the accessibility gauge features that are now available to all in your courses and the support Ally provides in addressing any areas where accessibility can be improved, often very quickly!

Brightspace: Managing Groups

In this training we will discuss how to set up groups, group discussions, and group assignments in Brightspace. 

Brightspace: Navigating the Gradebook and Grading 

In this training we will discuss how to navigate the gradebook and the options for grading in Brightspace.

Using ePortfolio in your Course 

In this session, you will explore the structure of ePortfolio and learn how to use the platform from the instructor view. You will learn how to navigate the Digication in Brightspace, review your students’ signature assignment submissions, and share the various support resources available for both students and instructors. There will also be time to answer any questions you might have about ePortfolios at CUNY SPS.

Using Video in Brightspace (Panopto/Video Notes)

Creating video content for your course can be a little overwhelming with the number of options available.  Join this session to learn which tools work best for creating a reusable welcome message or lecture, a weekly update or one-time recordings, like giving feedback to students. In this session participants will be introduced to Panopto, the SPS video platform integrated into Brightspace, which streamlines video production.  Participants will learn how to access Panopto and its features through Brightspace, focusing on a workflow to create, organize, and publish video content.  The Brightspace platform itself has video tools too.  We’ll highlight when it’s beneficial to use one over the other.

Advanced Panopto for SPS Faculty

As many of us have learned, Panopto is a handy tool to create video in Brightspace. But many of us have yet to unlock the powerful features inside it.  In this session, participants will learn how to access the robust analytics showing us who watched a video and for how long.  They will see how faculty can leverage the power of a low-stakes quiz with the in-video quiz tool.  A video quiz can be automatically graded and mapped to your grade book. Finally, we’ll demonstrate how a regular assignment can be turned into a video assignment with students as the media creators.  It’s all part of the Panopto platform built into Brightspace.  

Humanize Your Online Course with VoiceThread 

Creating engaging online courses is not easy. In many text discussion-board based courses, students feel isolated and disconnected from their instructors and classmates. VoiceThread bridges the gaps in social presence typically found in online courses. In this workshop, educators will learn how to establish a social presence and connect with their students using VoiceThread to improve course satisfaction and student learning. We will cover all of the basic VoiceThread features, demonstrate how everything works in D2L Brightspace, showcase a variety of examples from actual courses, and have an open Q&A throughout the training.

As always, OFDIT is here to help! We are available for one-on-one support and are also happy to schedule a Zoom call to discuss any questions you may have. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

All the best, 
Your OFDIT Team

OFDIT Fall 2024 Training Schedule

Level up, with Brightspace tools and other pedagogical technologies! OFDIT’s fall trainings can help you teach, assess, and engage your students in high-impact, accessible, and efficient ways. We look forward to seeing you at some of our upcoming sessions!

Anthology Ally: An Introduction

Learn how Anthology Ally can increase access and improve the overall learning experience in your course by providing choice and flexibility for how students consume content and access media. We will cover both alternative file formats and the accessibility gauge features that are now available to all in your courses and the support Ally provides in addressing any areas where accessibility can be improved, often very quickly!

Brightspace: Managing Dates and Visibility of Items

In this training we will discuss due dates, start and end dates, the calendar, and the date management tool and how the visibility toggle interacts with start and end dates.

Brightspace: Managing Groups

In this training we will discuss how to set up groups, group discussions, and group assignments in Brightspace. 

Brightspace: Navigating the Gradebook and Grading 

In this training we will discuss how to navigate the gradebook and the options for grading in Brightspace.

Using ePortfolio in your Course 

In this session, you will explore the structure of ePortfolio and learn how to use the platform from the instructor view. You will learn how to navigate the Digication in Brightspace, review your students’ signature assignment submissions, and share the various support resources available for both students and instructors. There will also be time to answer any questions you might have about ePortfolios at CUNY SPS.

Using Video in Brightspace (Panopto/Video Notes)

Creating video content for your course can be a little overwhelming with the number of options available.  Join this session to learn which tools work best for creating a reusable welcome message or lecture, a weekly update or one-time recordings, like giving feedback to students. In this session participants will be introduced to Panopto, the SPS video platform integrated into Brightspace, which streamlines video production.  Participants will learn how to access Panopto and its features through Brightspace, focusing on a workflow to create, organize, and publish video content.  The Brightspace platform itself has video tools too.  We’ll highlight when it’s beneficial to use one over the other.

Advanced Panopto for SPS Faculty

As many of us have learned, Panopto is a handy tool to create video in Brightspace. But many of us have yet to unlock the powerful features inside it.  In this session, participants will learn how to access the robust analytics showing us who watched a video and for how long.  They will see how faculty can leverage the power of a low-stakes quiz with the in-video quiz tool.  A video quiz can be automatically graded and mapped to your grade book. Finally, we’ll demonstrate how a regular assignment can be turned into a video assignment with students as the media creators.  It’s all part of the Panopto platform built into Brightspace.  

Humanize Your Online Course with VoiceThread 

Creating engaging online courses is not easy. In many text discussion-board based courses, students feel isolated and disconnected from their instructors and classmates. VoiceThread bridges the gaps in social presence typically found in online courses. In this workshop, educators will learn how to establish a social presence and connect with their students using VoiceThread to improve course satisfaction and student learning. We will cover all of the basic VoiceThread features, demonstrate how everything works in D2L Brightspace, showcase a variety of examples from actual courses, and have an open Q&A throughout the training.

As always, OFDIT is here to help! We are available for one-on-one support and are also happy to schedule a Zoom call to discuss any questions you may have. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

All the Best, 
Your OFDIT Team

OFDIT Newsletter September 2024

Dear Faculty,

We hope you have had a great start to the semester! Faculty and staff have worked incredibly hard to update courses and get themselves and the curricula ready to deliver in our first fall in Brightspace, and student feedback so far has been very positive! We recommend inviting students to collaborate with you by sharing feedback about what is working, what could work better, and if they spot any residual mentions to Blackboard in directions, files, videos, or anywhere else in your course site.

In this newsletter issue, we share updates and tips about various Brightspace features, information about ongoing training and support for teaching in Brightspace available for faculty, an upcoming ePortfolio showcase, and an Open UDL workshop. We’re excited to support ongoing teaching excellence at CUNY SPS, and proud of our faculty’s agility and dedication to the student experience. Thank you!

Brightspace Updates and Notes

Instant Messaging tool deactivated system-wide

At the request of the University Faculty Senate, CUNY CIS has disabled the Instant Messaging (IM) tool across the entire CUNY Brightspace system, due to concerns about student privacy.

Module Start, End, and Due Dates

Please note that these work differently than availability dates in Blackboard.For modules with start dates in the future, learners will see the list of module content, but none of it is clickable (grayed out). Once a module end date has passed, the content is similarly inaccessible (grayed out). You can instead use a module due date, which will still appear in the calendar, but keeps content accessible. Of course, you can also manually set a module to active/inactive, by clicking on its eye icon, which will display/hide the module entirely.

OFDIT is working on training and documentation on this topic, particularly the technical aspects. While there is no one size fits all suggestion for using start/end/due dates, pedagogical best practice is to keep course materials such as readings and videos available to students.

Notifications settings

Like and subscribe – and notify! You may have subscribed to discussions in your course (such as a course Q and A topic), but in addition to subscribing, you may need to update your notification settings in your profile in Brightspace if you want to receive an email alert of new posts. Check part 4 of the Notification guide for directions and specifics!

Brightspace Highlight: Emailing Your Class

Posted an announcement and want to then send the announcement out as an email to your class as well? Wanting to email the whole class a file or other information all at once? You can do so quickly using either the Classlist or the Gradebook email tool.

Emailing using Classlist:

    • In the course homepage, click Tools > Classlist:

    • Tick the top box on the far left of the Classlist, and then click the Email icon directly above this box:

    • In the Compose New Message window that opens, enter the text you want to send in the Body field. You’ll see the classlist emails (including your own!) populate automatically into the Bcc field (which protects student privacy), so you may just click the “Send” button when you finish composing, and the email will go to you and all students!

Emailing using Gradebook:

    • In the course homepage navbar, click Grades
    • Follow the steps as above, clicking the same box and Email icon found at the far left of the Gradebook list, and then entering text in the Compose New Message window and clicking the “Send” button when complete:

    • NOTE: You’ll notice that when you email from Brightspace, the CUNYfirst login email is what populates for you and students. This is how the system is designed, and will connect the communication directly to the “regular” CUNY email the user has in the Brightspace system for delivery and receipt.

Brightspace Training for Faculty

CUNY Central’s ongoing series of facilitated training sessions are still available for faculty who want guided training on getting started, creating quizzes, engaging students, the Brightspace gradebook, and more! Register for as many sessions as you like – you’ll receive a recording of the session in case your schedule changes or just as a helpful reference later on. You can also find recorded training sessions on Central’s YouTube channel playlist. Check out recently added videos addressing frequently asked questions on assignments, quizzes and discussions!

Brightspace Open Office Hours

Throughout the fall semester, OFDIT will continue to offer Open Office Hours in morning, afternoon, and early evening sessions. Drop by office hours as often as you like to get a question answered! Check our Brightspace Office Hours page for the weekly schedule and the link to join.

Brightspace Teaching Guides

The OFDIT team has been working on building out the Teaching Guides site on the CUNY SPS OpenLab. Peruse the site to find helpful content on using Brightspace and external tools including Zoom, Panopto, and others.

SPS Events and Announcements

Policy Updates

With a new academic year comes new and updated policies. Please review CUNY policies as well as CUNY SPS-specific policies. You and your students can always find a link to CUNY SPS academic and student policies in the Student Resources menu on the Brightspace home page.

Open UDL Workshop: Making your Courses Accessible to All

OFDIT and the CUNY SPS OER Initiative are pleased to invite all faculty to participate in the Open UDL Workshop (October 21 to November 4, 2024).

This fifteen-day, asynchronous online workshop provides an in-depth introduction to Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and to the intersection of UDL and Open Educational Practices (OEP), which include OER and Open Pedagogy. Participants will review the principles of UDL and explore how OEP can help reduce accessibility barriers for all learners, including those with disabilities. Participants will also learn about best accessibility practices in online courses, including identifying and fixing common accessibility issues. For their workshop project, participants will complete an inventory of one of their courses from a UDL perspective and create a plan for implementing UDL principles and open practices.

Eligible faculty participants will be compensated with 7 NTA hours upon successful completion of the workshop. Registration is open through Monday, October 14. For more details, please see our Advanced Workshops page on the SPS Faculty Community Site.

ePortfolio: A Journey of Reflection

The ePortfolio Team invites you to our inaugural event of the 2024-2025 academic year. We’re welcoming the CUNY SPS community to learn from students who are building their portfolios this semester. Whether in their first semester, at the final term of a degree, or somewhere in between, this event will capture and showcase students’ work at distinct junctures and discuss the role of reflection along the way.

If you would like to nominate a student who has a stellar ePortfolio, please fill out this form.

Register Here

CUNY Faculty Development Opportunities

CITA Teaching Matters Special Series on Generative AI

Friday, 9/27, 11:00am-12:00pm – Engaging with Generative AI: Which Tool Does What? (register here)

Friday, 10/25, 11:00am-12:00pm (registration opens on 10/1) – Student Motivation and Engagement: AI and Non-AI Assignments to Enhance Learning

Friday, 11/22, 11:00am-12:00pm (registration opens on 11/1) – Supporting Students’ Ethical Use of AI: Ideas and Practices in Humanities and STEM Fields

Save the dates for the Spring AI sessions: 2/21, 3/21, 4/25 (all 11:00am-12:00pm)

Friday, 11/8, 11:00am-12:00pm – CITA Book Club “Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning” by Jose Antonio Bowen and C. Edward Watson (register here)

Faculty Webinar Series for Online Instruction

Thursday, 9/26, 3 pm – Engaging Students in Your Online Courses (register here)
In this webinar, you will learn how to transform your online courses into dynamic spaces where students feel connected and motivated to participate. With Dr. Brett Christie, Dr. Breana Bayraktar, CUNY Faculty Dr. Heath Grant, and CUNY Online Instructional Designer Chelien Brown.

CUNY Survey to Assess Need
for Video Hosting

As you know, CUNY SPS offers Panopto as a video recording, storage and streaming service. CUNY Central is now collecting information about how video/multimedia is used throughout CUNY by faculty, students, staff, librarians, etc. to better assess the need for a CUNY-wide video hosting system. If you would like to provide input, you can complete the survey here.

Faculty Corner

Faculty corner imageFrom Business faculty Robin Whitney:
“I noticed that when you send an email to the whole class using the Classlist or Gradebook email tool, the subject line defaults to the long version of the course name each time. Since this isn’t specific (or helpful if students want to search for an email from you later), I make it a practice to delete out that default subject line and replace with the Headline for the announcement I’ve posted and am emailing out, or a phrase related to the actual content of the email I’m sending.”

If you have a pedagogical tip from your new experiences in Brightspace (in 200 words or less!) that you think might help others, we would love to hear from you and add your submission to our next Faculty Newsletter! You can use our Faculty Corner Submission Form to submit.


As always, OFDIT is here to help! We are available for one-on-one support and are also happy to schedule a Zoom call to discuss any questions you may have. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 

All the Best,
Your OFDIT Team

OFDIT Newsletter August 2024

Dear Faculty,

Our new LMS, Brightspace, made quite a splash this semester, with predominantly positive reports from students and faculty about ease of use and visual appeal. We were happy to see everyone diving right into designing and delivering content in summer courses, and we look forward to Fall semester going swimmingly, too! This month’s newsletter includes guidance for prepping your Fall course sites, links to additional training resources and to registration for our new Brightspace Basics training course, along with a call to join our Faculty Advisory Board for the coming year and to submit any Faculty Tips you might have to share after your first experiences with Brightspace! Finally, we invite you to our virtual event, Brightspace Day in August on 8/15! We look forward to continuing to pool our knowledge of our new LMS as the year unfolds, so we can support and exceed our goals of excellence in teaching and learning at CUNY SPS!

Steps for Course Prep

You can refer to our Migration Checklist and Migration Guide when preparing your course site for the new semester. While many of the adjustments listed in the Checklist will have been completed by the time your live site is ready to personalize, you’ll need to make sure you:

  • Post your welcome announcement
  • Fill out your Instructor Profile Widget
  • Upload your Fall syllabus/course schedule
  • Ensure all due dates reflect upcoming semester’s calendar

On the SPS Faculty Community site, you will find an array of SPS quick guides from our OFDIT team, and you can refer back to Brightspace Essentials units on adding content, rubrics, discussions, quizzes, grading, and video to assist you with finalizing your courses for the Fall semester. Thank you for your work to give students the best experience possible as they start the term!

Brightspace Day August 15th – Please Join Us!

Are you ready for Brightspace? All students, faculty, and staff are invited to join us for Brightspace Day on Thursday, August 15th.

The OFDIT Team will facilitate activities to ready you for a smooth transition to our new learning management system, Brightspace. Drop by and take the opportunity to log in, explore the environment, and ask us anything! For Faculty/Staff, are you working on your course or have questions?  Drop in and ask us anything about Brightspace.  For students, come by to see half-hour demos of the new Brightspace learning environment and explore the Getting Started in Brightspace course.

Register Here

Brightspace Basics

We are pleased to announce the launch of Brightspace Basics for CUNY SPS Faculty, a self-paced course hosted in Brightspace that is designed to help you learn how to navigate Brightspace and use its tools to optimize your teaching experience. This is another option for anyone who would like to enhance their comfort using the Brightspace instructor tools. If you choose to complete all the modules and quizzes, it should take about 4-6 hours and you can earn a Certificate of Completion.

To enroll in Brightspace Basics, from the CUNY SPS home page navbar, choose Discover, then select from the list of courses, or search for “Brightspace Basics for SPS Faculty.” Once you find and enter the course, you can submit an enrollment request. Please see these detailed enrollment instructions.

Brightspace Open Office Hours

Throughout August, OFDIT is also offering Open Office Hours in morning, afternoon, and early evening sessions. Drop by office hours as often as you like to get a question answered! Check our Brightspace Office Hours page for the weekly schedule and the link to join.

Brightspace Training for Faculty

CUNY Central’s ongoing series of facilitated training sessions focus on getting started, creating quizzes, engaging students, the Brightspace gradebook, and more! Register for as many sessions as you like – you’ll receive a recording of the session in case your schedule changes or just as a helpful reference later on. Central also maintains a YouTube channel playlist of training sessions, and new videos have recently been added that address frequently asked questions on assignments, quizzes and discussions!

Brightspace Resources for Students

You may want to take note of these resources for students so that you have them at your fingertips to share with your students if they run into difficulty using Brightspace in the first few weeks of the semester.

All SPS returning students are enrolled in Getting Started in Brightspace for SPS Students, a Brightspace course that covers how to navigate, how to stay organized, how to communicate with peers and instructors, how to complete assignments and quizzes and post in discussions, accessibility features, and how to get help. All new students are enrolled in New Student Orientation, an analogous course. You can remind students that these courses are a great way to learn about Brightspace.

For Brightspace support questions, students, like faculty, can use the virtual assistant chatbot that is available throughout Brightspace (it’s the speech bubble icon on the bottom right corner of the screen) or contact Brightspace’s CUNY-dedicated support line anytime at 1-888-895-2511. Students can also get help by contacting the SPS Help Desk at or (646) 664-8592. (Faculty should contact OFDIT at

Events and Announcements
for SPS Faculty

OFDIT Faculty Advisory Board:
Call for Nominations (2024-26 Cohort)

Nominations are now open for the 2024-2026 cohort of the OFDIT Faculty Advisory Board. Established in 2021, the board plays a crucial role in shaping our programming and event planning. Consisting of six faculty members from diverse academic programs, along with two ex-officio members from the Office of Student Disability Services and IT, the board actively engages in assessing faculty needs, promoting faculty development, and participating in the selection process for the annual Adjunct Teaching Excellence Award.

Interested in serving on the FAB? Nominate yourself (or a colleague) by filling out our nomination form. Three new members will join the board in the fall, and your involvement is highly valued.

Virtual Workshop: Learning Mindsets for Student Motivation

This month and next, check out the CUNY Learning Mindset Modules for Student Success, a series of professional development modules developed by CUNY faculty members and the CUNY Innovative Teaching Academy (CITA) team. The asynchronous, self-paced workshop focuses on three learning mindsets (Mindset GPS) that enhance student motivation and success. You will receive a certificate of completion after finishing all course activities!

Call for Faculty Corner Submissions

Faculty corner image

If you have a pedagogical tip from your new experiences in Brightspace (in 200 words or less!) that you are excited about, we would love to hear from you and add your submission to our next Faculty Newsletter! You can use our Faculty Corner Submission Form to submit your pitch.


As always, OFDIT is here to help! We are available for one-on-one support and are also happy to schedule a Zoom call to discuss any questions you may have. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

All the Best,
Your OFDIT Team

OFDIT Newsletter June 2024

Dear Faculty,

We have launched into the Brightspace! Thanks to everyone’s hard work, students and faculty are making good starts in Summer semester courses! OFDIT is partnering with programs to begin course preparation for Fall, and below you’ll find a few links and support resources to assist you. We also announce a call for nominations for our Faculty Advisory Board and share information about a summer module series on fostering student motivation. We end with a general faculty tip to invite student feedback as they experience our new LMS in order to help us with continuous improvement for Fall semester and beyond!

Brightspace Updates

Brightspace Open Office Hours

Throughout the months of June and July, OFDIT continues to offer Open Office Hours in morning, afternoon, and early evening sessions. Drop by office hours as often as you like to get a question answered! Check our Brightspace Office Hours page for the weekly schedule and the link to join.

Guidance Resources for Faculty

CUNY now has its own dedicated Brightspace support hotline! The phone number is 1-888-895-2511, which will connect callers to agents familiar with CUNY’s portfolio of schools and our version of Brightspace.

We also have been busy updating our Migration Guide and Migration Checklist and have added a few additional units to our Brightspace Essentials self-paced micro course, including Video in Brightspace, Rubrics in Brightspace, and Quizzes in Brightspace so check these out for even more support!

Events and Announcements
for SPS Faculty

OFDIT Faculty Advisory Board:
Call for Nominations (2024-26 Cohort)

Nominations are now open for the 2024-2026 term of the OFDIT Faculty Advisory Board. Established in 2021, the board plays a crucial role in shaping our programming and event planning. Consisting of six faculty members from diverse academic programs, along with two ex-officio members from the Office of Student Disability Services and IT, the board actively engages in assessing faculty needs, promoting faculty development, and participating in the selection process for the annual Adjunct Teaching Excellence Award.

Interested in serving on the FAB? Nominate yourself (or a colleague) by filling out our nomination form. Three new members will join the board in the fall, and your involvement is highly valued.

Virtual Workshop: Learning Mindsets for
Student Motivation

This summer, check out the CUNY Learning Mindset Modules for Student Success, a series of professional development modules developed by CUNY faculty members and the CUNY Innovative Teaching Academy (CITA) team. The asynchronous, self-paced workshop focuses on three learning mindsets (Mindset GPS) that enhance student motivation and success. You will receive a certificate of completion after finishing all course activities!

Inviting Student Feedback

For those faculty teaching this summer, we share a suggestion that you invite student feedback (perhaps as replies to a dedicated thread in your Course Q and A discussion board or as an additional part of your Midterm Feedback Survey) as they move through this first wave of instruction in our new LMS. It can be helpful to ask students to let you know if they spot any remaining outdated references to Blackboard in instructions, labels, or other course areas, or if they have suggestions about what could improve their user experience in course sites! We will be eager to hear how our SPS learners engage with the tools, platforms, and features so we can hone our pedagogy and practices going forward. Send an email to with your observations or to share any student suggestions!

As always, OFDIT is here to help! We are available for one-on-one support and are also happy to schedule a Zoom call to discuss any questions you may have. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

All the Best,
Your OFDIT Team

OFDIT Newsletter May 2024

Dear Faculty,

What a spring it’s been! We know wrapping up our last Blackboard semester while prepping for Brightspace rollout this summer has kept everyone busy, and we are all learning more about our new LMS each day. We hope you can take a minute to celebrate all your progress so far!

Speaking of celebrating, there’s still time to sign up to participate with commencement preparations or at the in-person ceremony on May 23rd! Sharing this proud moment with students can be a great reminder of the meaning and the impact of our work together.

Brightspace Updates

Brightspace Day in May

All students, faculty, and staff are invited to join us for Brightspace Day in May on Wednesday, May 15th, 2024!

The OFDIT Team will facilitate activities during virtual sessions for faculty (10am-12pm and 2-4pm) to ready you for a smooth transition to our new learning management system, Brightspace. Drop by and take the opportunity to log in, explore the environment, and ask us anything!

Brightspace Open Office Hours

Throughout the month of May, OFDIT is also offering Open Office Hours in morning, afternoon, and early evening sessions. Drop by office hours as often as you like to get a question answered! Check our Brightspace Office Hours page for the weekly schedule and the link to join.

CUNY Instructor Training Series Continues

In addition to exploring our asynchronous, self-paced training mini-course, Brightspace Essentials, you can attend CUNY Central’s ongoing series of facilitated training sessions, which focus on getting started, creating quizzes, engaging students, the Brightspace gradebook, and more! Register for as many sessions as you like – you’ll receive a recording of the session in case your schedule changes or just as a helpful reference later on. Central also maintains a YouTube channel playlist of training sessions.

Brightspace launches May 29 for summer courses! For more information visit the CUNY SPS LMS Transition site or email

Events and Announcements for SPS Faculty

OFDIT Faculty Advisory Board:
Nominations for 2024-26

Interested in serving on the OFDIT Faculty Advisory Board in the next two academic years? The Advisory Board plays an important role in planning and organizing OFDIT events, and guides the direction of our programming and activities.

If you are interested or would like to nominate someone else, please fill out our nomination form. We are looking for new members to join our board in the fall and would value your participation. Thank you!

2024 CUNY SPS Adjunct Faculty
Teaching Excellence Prize

Congratulations to SPS faculty Jill Johnson, who teaches in the Psychology program and was recognized for her excellence in teaching with the 2024 CUNY SPS Adjunct Faculty Teaching Excellence Award this May! Her skill at supporting success in statistical methods and Senior Capstone courses was recognized as key contributions to the program and student achievement. We are proud to work with such dedicated and adept instructors here at SPS!

Universal Design for Learning Series

If you missed the CUNY Office of Student Inclusion Initiatives and Disability Program’s Applying Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Principles to Your Teaching series, you can still learn more about providing multiple means of engagement, representation, action, and expression into course design, instructional materials, teaching methods, and assessments. Check out the session slides and recordings and get inspired as you prep your summer and fall courses!

Entering Final Grades in CUNYFirst

Finally, as you get ready to wrap up the Spring semester, you can refer to this guide for entering final grades into CUNYFirst. If you have questions or encounter technical issues with CUNYFirst, is available to assist.

As always, OFDIT is here to help! We are available for one-on-one support and are also happy to schedule a Zoom call to discuss any questions you may have. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

All the Best,
Your OFDIT Team